8 things we learned about Sandara, Nam Joo-Hyuk during their visit to PH


From Dara's style to the secret behind the form of Nam Joo-Hyuk, here's what the two Korean stars have learned from visiting the country

Posted at 9:15, 31 July 2018

Updated: 9h39 AM, July 31, 2018

  Photo courtesy of Penshoppe

Photo courtesy of Penshoppe

MANILA, Philippines – July 29 was a memorable day for fans Korean stars Sandara Park, aka Dara and Nam Joo-hyuk.

Not only were they able to see their idols in person at the Penshoppe FanCon in 2018. Some even joined Dara and Joo-Hyuk on stage and were their main men and ladies, at least for a few minutes.

Both stayed in the country for less than three days, Dara and Joo-Hyuk had been busy here, meeting fans and receiving media questions.

Here are some things we learned from both during their visit to the country:

Dara and Joo-Hyuk really want to work together

Dara, at their press conference before the meeting fans, said many times that she really likes to work with Joo Hyuk. She admitted that she had told one of her close friends in Penshoppe to try to make Joo-hyuk, also run by YG Entertainment, an ambassador.

" Nagulat ako na day, tada ! I am very happy to work with him," she said.

Dara also said that She would be happier if she had the opportunity to work with him in a drama or film.

Once again, she asked if there was a actor with whom she would like to work, Dara once again said that it was Joo-hyuk. "I thought medyo snob siya (I thought he was a snob) …. but he is really kind, friendly. So I [want] worked with him. "

When Joo-hyuk asked the same question, he said that he wanted to do a romantic comedy with Dara and that he was" very confident that he could make her laugh all the days. "

  During the press conference, Joo-Hyuk said that he wanted to work in a romantic comedy with Dara, and that he is confident that he can make her laugh all the time. days. Photo courtesy of Penshoppe

At the press conference, Joo-Hyuk said that he wanted to work in a romantic comedy with Dara, and that he was confident that He could make her laugh every day. Photo by Penshoppe

Sandara Park loves "simple" fashion while Joo-hyuk just wears what he can grab

When she was in 2NE1, Dara said that she really liked clothes and colorful outfits with " tusok-tusok (spikes)." But as she grew up and became an actress, she began to wear simpler clothes. "Now, the [simpler] the best."

Lately, Dara said that it's been hotter in Korea than the Philippines, and that they're therefore wearing a minimum of clothes. " Kaya hindi kami nagsusuot ng damit (that's why we jump clothes)," Dara joked.

Dara said that she likes to wear a big t-shirt like a dress. "I can just wear this, and slippers or sneakers, that's all. Dara also prefers to go" colorful and cool "during the summer and" chick and sexy "during the winter.

Joo-hyuk, meanwhile, is a little more casual when it comes to fashion, according to him he does not really plan his OOTDs, so he only wears what he can take home.

He said his favorite fashion has always been just jeans or joggers, and shirt. It's winter, it's long sleeves to keep it warm.

When asked about his fashion rules, Joo-hyuk says it's still just "doubling up." Check everything, "Like he's wearing the wrong side of his shirt, or he's not wearing something that he should be."

What's his must-have fashion item? An ordinary white shirt

The Joo-hyuk's dream is a "couch potato"

We all know that Joo-hyuk is athletic and active in real life, but when asked what character he still wants to play, Joo-hyuk has said that he wanted to be a "very normal couch potato who does nothing with his life."

Dara's singing career began in a performance Lingba ng Wika when she was young [19459014

The rise of Dara was a long and difficult road, but her journey began even before she joined the Philippine television show Star Circle Quest : During a Linggo ng Wika performance when she was young

Dara said she was a "super shy guy". But she was forced to sing for Linggo ng Wika when she was young, describing it as "the day that changed my life."

"After that [her performance] my friends m & # 39; said, "OMG, you know how to sing, you have a good voice. Nagkaroon na ako ng confidence (That gave me confidence), and that brought me here, "she said.

Growing up in Busan made Joo-Hyuk so "chilly"

Joo-Hyuk said that he thinks he's so calm now that he's grew up in Busan, surrounded by the beach. Joo-Hyuk said that one of his fondest memories is to walk with his friends when he was a kid and jump and swim without wearing anything.

Dara wore an "embarrassing" dress to a rendezvous

the ideal outfit for an appointment, Dara again suggested going one way. She also revealed that she had already had a Valentine's Day wearing an "embarrassing" red dress with a ribbon. " Parang ako yung gift, " she says (it's as if I were the gift). " Nakakahiya pero arrived ." (It's embarrassing but it's really happened.)

Dara said that the best outfit to wear at an appointment would be just a t-shirt and jeans. " Para Bagay Kayo, Para di OA, that was my mistake ." (So, you'd be fine together, so that's not too much.)

A Local film starring Dara is in progress

Dara also revealed the press conference that her leadership is in talks for a local film with her.

"I'm just waiting for the right timing." Alam ko, yung main man can ibang project .occupied daw .And then, when he was agreed, ako naman ang busy. So, yung time, it's the hardest part, "she said

(I'm just waiting for the right timing, what I know, is that the main way was another project … when it became free, I became very busy.)

Joo-hyuk works Everyday

Joo-hyuk said that he does not really follow a strict diet, but he works every day to maintain his figure

asked for fitness tips, Joo-hyuk shared the only secret to his figure: Do not be lazy, and be consistent.work for one hour and thirty minutes every day .- Rapp ler.com

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