9 of 10 Pinoys: Resumption of the Chinese Islands


Filipinos massively support the return of the Philippine Islands that were seized by China in the western Philippine Sea, according to the results of a poll released on Saturday.

The June 27-30 survey by the Social Weather Stations (SWS) 87%, or about nine of the 10 Filipino adults, believe that it is important to regain control of the Chinese islands in the sea from the Western Philippines.

Of those who think it's important, 69% say it's "very 18% said it was" rather important. "Two percent felt that this n & # 39; Was not important (1% not very important, 1% not at all important) while 11% were undecided

A majority of respondents (69%), they also believed that "China is afraid to do facing any court because they know that they are not on the side of justice. "

Only 8% disagreed with the statement, while 22% were undecided. (% agreement agreement less percent disagree) +61, rated by SWS as "very strong".

Decision challenged

Aerial photographs obtained by Inquirer in February show that China was almost finished transforming seven claimed Philippine reefs into the Spratly Archipelago into island fortresses s, in defiance of a decision of the Permanent Court of Arbitration regarding Beijing's extensive claims over most of the South China Sea, including in the Philippines' 370-kilometer Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) [19659002] The artificial islands were built on the Kagitingan reef, known internationally as Fiery Cross Reef, and Calderon (Cuarteron), Burgos (Gaven), Mabini (South Johnson), Panganiban (Mischief), Zamora (Subi) and McKennan Reefs (Hughes). The panganiban is found in the EEZ of the Philippines

The investigation showed that the belief in the importance of the recovery of Philippine areas in the disputed waters was directly related to the level of knowledge of the maritime conflict and to the related issues of the defendants

. 93% believed it was important to regain control of the islands, more than the 62% of those who became aware of the problem only during the interview.

Similarly, those who were already experiencing specific problems in the Philippine Sea – Chinese abuses reported Filipino fishermen, the government's inability to prevent the Chinese from fishing in Philippine waters, China breaking its promise not to militarize China. Artificial islands – have given more importance to the resumption of control of the islands occupied by China (from 91 to 94 nt).

This figure was higher than those who were made aware of these problems only at the time of the survey (ranging from 78% to 83%)

No treason

] The survey indicates that 43% of respondents do not consider that the failure of the Duterte administration to protest China's actions is a form of betrayal, while 29% believe that this is not the case. is not a form of betrayal. 55% were satisfied with the president's performance versus 28% who were dissatisfied with a net satisfaction rating of +28 (rounded up correctly).

He obtained a higher net satisfaction rating of +55 among those who thought that not protesting was not a form of treason (71% satisfied versus 16% dissatisfied)

Note de satisfaction affected

In his column Inquirer Saturday, SWS Chairman Mahar Mangahas said the president The Chinese policy of non-interference in Philippine waters "affected" his very good "net satisfaction rating" 56 in the first quarter.

Mangahas said the survey showed that 81% of Filipinos said it was "not right to leave China" with its infrastructure and its military presence in the territories claimed by the Philippines, about 80% said it was to strengthen the country's military capability, especially the navy, 74% said it was fair to submit the dispute to negotiations with organizations international organizations, such as the United Nations or the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. 689% said it was also fair to ask other countries to negotiate.

The survey showed that "loving the president's performance and hating his policy towards China are not inconsistent attitudes," said Mangahas. The "good" rating of +44 of Duterte among 81% of Filipinos who said it was "not fair" to let China alone do what she wants.

"But that's +54 (or" Very Good ") among the fifth one called a" good "action, which suggests that he would have avoided downgrading his rating by acting with more force towards China, "Mangahas said.

The survey was conducted through face-to-face interviews of 1,200 adults and had a margin of error of plus or minus. -minus 3 points for national percentages

SWS considers a score of +50 and higher "very strong"; +30 to +49, "strong"; +10 to +29, "moderate"; +9 to -9, "neutral"; -10 to -29, "poor"; -30 to -49, "low"; -50 and below, "very weak." -Identification research with Isabel Cañaveral, Céline Dioticio and Chlarine Gianan

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