Maduro tells the Venezuelan army to be "on guard" on Trump's "plan of invasion"


  Venezuelan President Maduro told his armed forces to be on guard as a result of reports that almost President Trump spoke of the possibility of invading the country. Photo: Reuters
Venezuelan President Maduro has told his armed forces to be on guard following reports that almost President Trump has raised the possibility of invading the country. Photo: Reuters

President Nicolas Maduro urged his Armed forces must be on their guard following information that Donald Trump, the US president, has raised the possibility of invading Venezuela almost a year ago.

"You can not lower your guard for one second, because we will defend the greatest right our homeland has had in all its history," said Mr. Maduro during a military ceremony, "which is to live in peace ". 19659004] He alluded to press reports claiming that last August, Trump had asked foreign policy advisers to invade Venezuela, which the Trump administration described as corrupt dictatorship of the left

. the idea in August 2017 at a meeting on the sanctions that the United States imposed on oil-rich Venezuela, according to information cited by a senior official of the administration. Mr. Trump's advisers said no, as did the Latin American leaders with whom Mr. Trump also raised the idea.


Bob Baer, ​​former CIA agent, said that the idea of ​​a coup d'etat He said, "I understand [HR] McMaster replied, he said, "Stay out of this." It is very sensitive in South America – the American troops operating there, overthrowing governments, are beyond their means.

"Once again, Venezuela is a mess and the countries around it are frightened. The situation is ripe for change so we can see where it's going. "

Mr. Baer stated that Venezuelan exiles had tried to" convey a message "to the president and that he" listened, clearly. "

Councilor HR McMaster and others passed about five minutes to respond to the President's request

They told him that the Venezuelan invasion would provoke a reaction against the United States across South America and Central America [19659018] .The idea, referring to the invasions of Panama and Grenada in the 1980s as examples of earlier US interventions, would then have raised the idea with several Latin American leaders after the meeting

Mr. Maduro says that these reports support his contention that the United States is contemplating a military attack on Venezuela to seize its vast oil reserves.

Mr. Maduro stated that Mr. Trump's question to his advisers was born after Venezuelan opposition figures visited the White House. is a coincidence? No, it's not a coincidence, "said Maduro.

Meanwhile, more than 50 countries, led by Peru, yesterday urged Venezuela to restore the rule of law and to open its doors to humanitarian aid.The Venezuelan security forces are suspected of having killed hundreds of people and enjoy immunity from prosecution, indicating that the state of right is "practically absent" from the country, said the UN Human Rights Office in a report released last month.The critics say that Maduro has been using increasingly authoritarian tactics while the economy sinks into the recession and hyperinflation

Conditions have driven hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans to emigrate over the past year.

L & # 39; Peruvian ambassador Claudio Julio de la Puente Ribeyro said in a joint statement attached to the United Nations Human Rights Council

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