Taiwan News: typhoon Maria, salacious indictment


The Central Meteorological Bureau has updated tropical storm Maria to a typhoon and says it's likely to be at its closest to Taiwan next Tuesday and Wednesday – if it continues on its projected trajectory and at its current speed.

Typhoon Maria is currently located approximately 2,600 kilometers south-southeast of Eluanbi, at the southern tip of the island, and moves north-northwestward at 9 km / h

. hour, with gusts of up to 162 km / h

According to the weather office, Maria could move west to the south of the Ryukyu Islands if the Pacific's anticyclonic system remains strong, but could also be closer to Japan and far from Taiwan if the high pressure system weakens.

The weather of the island will not be affected by the storm this weekend. And the weather office said it would have a clearer picture of the trajectory of the typhoon in the next 24 hours.


The Control Yuan accused Judge Chu Liang of having solicited prostitutes and the former judge Tseng Mou-kuei for accepting gifts from someone involved in a case that he chaired.

Chu and Tseng both worked at the Taichung branch in Taiwan According to the government watchdog, Chu solicited prostitutes in hotels 16 times between December 2014 and May of last year and over half of these meetings took place when Chu was supposed to have been at work.

The Yuan Control lodged charges for violation of the law on the maintenance of the social order and the law on judges.

Tseng was accused of accepting gifts from someone he supervised in 2015 his actions were in violation of the Judges Act.

The Yuan Control Committee investigating the charges against Chu and Tseng voted unanimously to dismiss the judges in both cases.

The investigations have now been referred to the Court of Justice for review, but it is not clear when this court will decide on the sentences that Chu and Tseng will face.


Former vice president Lien Chan is expected to visit China next week – and reports suggest that 39, he could talk with Chinese President Xi Jin-ping during the trip

Lien's office did not comment on the reports and a spokesman said that the honorary chairman of the Kuomintang ( KMT) was in talks with the Chinese authorities about a possible visit

. Any trip to China will be officially announced when they are finalized.

Reports said Liang will meet with Liu Jie-yi, the head of Taiwan's business office, next Thursday, and meet with Xi in Beijing on Friday.

If he talks with the Chinese president, it will be the fourth time the two will meet since 2013.

Lien would visit China to visit the ancestral tombs of his family.

<img alt = "RTX1QK01 [19659022] Photo Credit: Reuters / TPG
Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) shakes hands with Lien Chan, former chairman of the Kuomintang (KMT), during their meeting in Beijing September 1, 2015.

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The Department of Foreign Affairs has stated that it has filed a protest with Air India about its decision to change the designation. from Taiwan in "Chinese Taipei" on its website

Ministry spokesman Andrew Lee said his office was asking the airline to reinstate the name designation

The protest was filed by the Taiwan Representative Office in New Delhi after the name change. 19659002] According to Lee, the Representative Office also urges the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Civil Aviation of India not to allow "the political interference of the foreign governments angers in the independent activities of Indian enterprises. "

to monitor developments on the issue in order to safeguard" the independent sovereignty and dignity of Taiwan ".

Read more: Q & A: New York TECO, Brian Su on the fight against Taiwan against China

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Hong Kong prosecutors have said that Chan Tong-kai could face murder charges related to the murder of his girlfriend in Taiwan in February.

State During a hearing on Thursday, prosecutors from the former British territory raised the issue of murder charges since Chan's arrest in March.

The 19-year-old man was arrested by the Hong Kong authorities because he was in possession of stolen property belonging to his deceased girlfriend, Poon Hiu-wing, and to have illegally accessed his bank account.

The South China Morning Post reported that Chan had until now only been charged with transactions with property known or believed to be a product of a criminal offense.

Prosecutors here in Taiwan say that Chan killed his girlfriend in a Taipei hotel before throwing her body near the Zhuwei MRT station, where she was found on March 13.

And they sought to face charges of murder. However, there is no formal extradition agreement or mutual legal assistance treaty between Taiwan and Hong Kong.

The couple were in Taiwan on vacation at the time of the murder and Chan returned to Hong Kong alone on February 17. [19659002]

The Kaohsiung District Attorney's Office indicted Chen Shi-hsien on charges of illegal oil sales to North Korea, in violation of UN rules.

Prosecutors said Chen was accused of falsely stating that a ship that he was chartering was heading to Hong Kong and knowingly selling oil to North Korea.

The Hong Kong-registered vessel was arrested by the South Korean authorities in November last year for allegedly transferring 600 tons of oil to a North Korean ship in international waters.

Chen continues to claim that he is mentored by a Chinese mediator and that he did not know that the cargo had been transferred to North Korea.

The government announced that it banned all trade with North Korea in September of last year, as required by United Nations sanctions against Pyongyang.

——————- [19659002] The High Court sentenced the man who attacked a presidential office guard with a sword in August 2017 to six years and eight months in prison.

The sentence was reduced by two months of a sentence handed down by the Taipei District Supreme Court in March

The High Court said that it had decided to reduce the sentence imposed on Lu Jun -yi because he had promised to pay the sword that he had stolen from the Armed Forces Museum of Taipei before attempting to enter the presidential office. 18, 2017.

Lu cut a presidential guard in the neck after trying to prevent the accused from entering the presidential office to attack President Tsai Ing-wen.

He was mastered by other guards and was unable to enter the building. The decision of the High Court may be the subject of an appeal.


The Minister of the Council of Continental Affairs, Chen Ming-tong, will visit the United States later month. According to council spokesman Chiu Chui-cheng, Chen is scheduled to visit Washington and New York from July 16-23.

He should attend at least one international symposium and discuss Taiwan Strait policy

. According to reports, Chen will deliver a speech at the Heritage Foundation and will hold talks with senior officials from the White House and State Department and meet with representatives from Taiwan

. Senators and Representatives

However, the spokesman for the council refuses to disclose Chen's full itinerary or with whom he will meet. Chen will be the prime minister of the Continental Affairs Council to visit Washington since President Tsai Ing-wen took office in May 2016.

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The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) has a new spokesperson. Amanda Mansour took office Thursday.

Mansour succeeds Sonia Urbom, who stepped down as AIT spokesperson in June. According to AIT, Mansour joined the United States Foreign Office in 2007 and, most recently, she worked at the State Department in Washington, where she worked at the Foreign Policy Planning Secretariat in the United States. Press Center

. Mansour served overseas at the United States Consulate in Adana, Turkey, and at the United States Embassy in Prague.


Read more: NOTE: Weighing the costs of renting Cambodia in China [19659002] This newsletter has been provided with the kind permission of the International Community Radio Taipei (ICRT), the leading English language broadcaster in Taiwan.

NL Publisher: David Green

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