Trump Appoints Conservative Catholic to US Supreme Court


US President Donald Trump (right) talks with US judge Brett Kavanaugh (second from right) and his family after appointing him to the Supreme Court in the East Hall of the White House on July 9, 2018 in Washington. AFP

WASHINGTON, USA – President Donald Trump on Monday appointed Conservative Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court, which will incline the highest judicial body to the right with important implications for American society . to George W. Bush, who now sits at the United States Court of Appeals in Washington, Kavanaugh began his career as a clerk of Judge Anthony Kennedy and will succeed him on the bench of nine seats when he was elected. he will retire at the end of the month. 19659003] "Judge Kavanaugh has impeccable credentials, unparalleled qualifications and a proven commitment to equality before the law," Trump said in announcing his much-awaited decision in a White House address to the United States. "No one is more qualified in America for this position and no one deserves it anymore," said Trump, urging the Senate to quickly confirm his candidate.

Kennedy has long served as a swing-tie swing vote between the C Supreme Conservatives and his Liberals, and his departure gave Trump the opportunity to place a decidedly conservative stamp on the bench.

The American leader kept the suspense for days on his choice for the crucial vacancy, narrowing the selection to a short list of four judges, all with solid references from the right.

"Justice Kennedy has dedicated his career to the guarantee of freedom, and I am deeply honored to have been appointed to serve on the Supreme Court," said Kavanaugh, 53, at the time of his appointment.

"My judicial philosophy is simple: a judge must be independent and must interpret the law, not make the law," he said.

"A judge must interpret statutes such as". they are written in. And a judge must interpret the constitution as written, informed by history and tradition and precedent. "

A graduate of Yale University, Kavanaugh demonstrated his conservative credentials to many occasions, including when he opposed Obamacare. Under the auspices of Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama

he led an investigation into the suicide of Vince Foster, a Bill Clinton collaborator, linked to Whitewater's controversy over real estate investments by the presidential couple

. ] Kavanaugh later contributed to prosecutor Kenneth Starr's report on the Clinton affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky

After settling in at the White House in 2001, Bush recruited Kavanaugh as legal counsel before naming him later in the court of appeal. 2012, Kavanaugh was part of a panel that scrapped a measure of the Environmental Protection Agency aimed at reducing

He recently voiced his disagreement with a ruling authorizing a teenager not allowed to have an abortion.

A Catholic practitioner active in various religious organizations, Kavanaugh is a married father of two daughters. / cbb

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