China opens embassy after Burkina Faso breaks with Taiwan


When Burkina Faso decided to align with anti-Taiwan politics, its Foreign Ministry said it had been "pushed" by the country's "socio-economic challenges".

China has opened an embassy in Burkina Faso. (Photo: Reuters)

OUAGADOUGOU: China opened Thursday an embassy in Burkina Faso, two months after the landlocked West African country broke off diplomatic relations with Taiwan

" The (Chinese) government attaches great importance to this relationship and intends to be a privileged partner for the development of Burkina Faso, "said Vice Premier Hu Chunhua. at a ceremony marking the opening of the embassy

China has launched a determined campaign in the past two years to attract the last diplomatic allies of Taiwan, to prevent the president Tsai Ing-wen to lobby for the island independence

C is also Africa's largest trading partner, with massive investments in mining, construction and banks. When Burkina Faso decided to align with anti-Taiwan politics, its Foreign Ministry said it had been "pushed" by the country's "socio-economic challenges."


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