Signs of depression



While the deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain draw attention to the public health crisis related to depression and mental illness, Anya Mueller, of NewsCenter1, talks about with a mental health advisor on warnings to watch for.
Sadness, despair, loss of interest, and thoughts of dying are all signs of depression. Possible causes include a combination of biological, psychological and social sources of distress.

Alyssa Martin, a licensed counselor from Black Hills Counselors, says it's hard to know when someone is suffering from depression because often it is very functional. . Some depressions are situational and some are born with a genetic makeup that makes them more prone to depression. "So sometimes it does not make sense when you see people who should be happy and have a good life and why are they depressed? "Again, they did not choose;"

If you notice dramatic changes in a person or hear about extreme measures, it may be a red flag. sometimes it can even be difficult to recognize because many are functional when they are depressed.They will often have a state of mind "all or nothing".

Abuse drugs, especially depressants such that alcohol or sedatives, can also trigger symptoms of depression, increasing the risk of suicide.

Martin advises to reach out to someone if you think that he is suffering even it's an uncomfortable conversation Stigma plays a role in preventing people from getting help

There are a number of drugs and therapies that can reduce the risk of depression and suicidal thoughts.

You can have everything. They can have a nice house, they can have a family, they can have a job that they really like, they can be famous. They may have all of this but no matter … we can not decide if another person may be depressed or not, because we do not know what it is to live in the body of that person and know what she's doing through every day. And that can really be a lonely life, and we just do not know it. "

If you are thinking about suicide, if you are worried about a friend or loved one, or want emotional support, we encourage you to call the National Lifeline. for suicide prevention at 1-800-273-8255, available 24 hours a day

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