Netflix's Altered Carbon seems to be undergoing some big changes for its second season, with star star Joel Kinnaman ready to be replaced by Avengers star Anthony Mackie.
The streaming giant has renewed the dystopian science-fiction show for a second outing, with Anthony Mackie taking the role of Takeshi Kovacs while Alison Schapker will join Laeta Kalogridis as a showrunner
If you don & dquo; Are not aware, Altered Carbon will run for 300 years in the future where the company has been transformed by a new technology that allows scanning and transfer between human body, also known as' sleeves & # 39 ;.
The first season touched on this body-exchanging dynamic with many feedbacks on the original Takeshi Kovacs round, played by Will Yun Lee, and another round played by Byron Mann. It therefore seems that the show is progressing positively to advance this premise in Season 2.
But what can we expect from the second season of Altered Carbon?
The end of the season Modified Carbon saw Kovacs claim his generosity after solving a confusing murder mystery, before returning the sleeve of Elias Ryker (Joel Kinnaman) – a Bay City police officer and lover of Kristin Ortega [19659004] Kovacs discovered that Quellcrist Falconer, her lost lover and creator of battery technology, was still alive somewhere – with a backup of her mind stored in an unknown place after she was presumed dead as a result of the accident. explosion of his ship. [19659004] Altered carbon strongly gives the impression that Kovacs' mission is to pursue the pile of Falconer, so it is likely that the show will follow these seeds.
There is also the suspended death of her sister Reileen, with Kovacs deciding to keep alive the memory of her by sacrificing her other self who was not aware of her existence. So, could his death also have an imminent presence on Kovacs' psyche?
Where will it unfold?
The show followed the events of Richard K. Morgan's novel, which has also written two suites titled Broken Angels and Woken Furies.
It would not be too difficult to imagine the second season will follow the second book, which takes place on a planet called Sanction IV, because Kovacs is used in the mercenary organization Carrera's Wedge 30 years after the events of the original.
More: Netflix
Could Joel Kinnaman come back?
While Anthony Mackie will take the central role, there is still a possibility that Joel Kinnaman can come back in some way.
Kinnaman could make a comeback, most likely in an apparition, like the real Elias Ryker – which could possibly be reunited with Kristin Ortega.
The actor himself, however, previously stated that he did not believe that it would come back to TV Guide, saying, "I do not think so, no."
"We do not know what will be the second season, but my guess that they would follow the other two books, and they're all on completely different planets, completely different worlds, and I guess – I do not not sure – I guess it's kind of an anthology show where maybe some of the characters continue into the next season. " You can capture altered carbon streaming on Netflix.
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