The PDEA examines the objectives of Rallos


The Philippine Anti-Drugs Agency (PDEA) 7 suspects that famous drug figures, whose baby "Earl" Rallos had operated, ordered the ambush that took place there. kill.

Emerson Margate, regional director of PDEA 7, considers all cases of drugs treated by Rallos. Some of their agents, not just Rallos, had received threats

With respect to the illegal drugs found in the glove compartment of the officer's car, Margate said that the PDEA was conducting a internal investigation

had not allowed Rallos to wear the shabu.

Regional Police Office (PRO) 7 Debold Sinas said the police had already created an investigation panel led by the Chief Superintendent. Royina Garma, Chief of Police Office of Cebu City

Drugs discovered by investigators at police scene weighed 55.9 grams and reportedly earned 640,000 pesos on the streets, according to estimates by the Drug Council dangerous. (JOB)

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