A ballroom Dance Duet on "America's Got Talent" just wanted to inspire people.

"I want to show the world – hey listen, just because you're 60, 70 does not stay here," said Quin, a 71-year-old lounge dancer.

In competition with 17 other teams in the judging round, Quin and his partner Misha brought down the house with a breathtaking room routine that earned the Golden Buzzer at Tuesday's show

. , the uprisings and dizziness that led Judge Heidi Klum, guest judge Martina McBride and the studio audience at their feet.

The performance, in addition to their larger-than-life personality, impressed the judges greatly

For more information: AGT Exclusive: The Judge Guest Martina McBride is a big fan of "We Three".

"The best part of you is your personality.Every time you come, you turn on the stage," said Judge Simon Cowell. "I like to watch you guys," he said. added Klum

The message behind their act was even more powerful

"Wow! You know you say you want to inspire people of a certain age, but you have inspired everyone of all ages, "McBride marveled. "It was really a remarkable performance … it really touched me."

The legend of the country hit the coveted Golden Buzzer seconds later, sending confetti all over the stage and Quin on the floor, incredulous.

McBride came "to congratulate the emotional pair of dancers, while Judge Melanie Brown wiped her tears.

Quin electrified the scene as if she had danced all her life. However, the ballroom host realized that "dancing was my dream" at age 60 after taking a class with her husband ten years ago

"There are so many people who give up a certain moment of their life. I said. "I really think this message is something that so many people can benefit from."

Quin, now 71, said she grew up in a paddy field in Thailand, but her parents instilled in her an exceptional work ethic. applies to everything she does in life.

Quin met his biggest supporter, his husband Rick, 47 years ago, and both moved to the United States.

"We found love, so I came to America, I'm so grateful every day for living in this country, I still enjoy it a lot," Quin says.

After finding a younger partner to follow his dance moves, Quin continues to show that there is no time limit to discover his true passion in realizing his dream. An inspiring dream that will move on to its biggest stage yet – broadcast live on "America's Got Talent".

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