A study links the difficult feeding of children with parental pressure


• The Child Eats

A US study on Sunday showed that children ate these foods without being related to behavior or weight, coercion could cause them to find time-stress and could adversely affect parent-child relationship, according to the University of Michigan (UM) study.

The study aimed to answer several questions under two scenarios: Should parents put pressure on children? for the weight of children and eat difficult? Will the child learn that she has to eat everything, resulting in obesity, or will she learn to eat vegetables and other healthy foods to avoid taking any food? weight?

"We found that more than a year ago according to Julie Lumeng, professor of nutrition science at the UM School of Public Health and professor of pediatrics and communicable diseases at the University of Michigan. UM Medical School, the weight remained stable on the growth chart. ] "The hard-to-eat children were not very changeable, it stayed the same whether the parents lobbied on their picky eaters or not."

"Neither pressures have led to a decrease in consumption difficult. "There was no connection between pressure and diet difficult and none of these other results, the study showed.

Appetite seekers would prefer the terms choosy or selective over the loaded picky nowadays.

but we take children to a different level, even if the taste is at least a little wired and beyond his control to change at any age, has said Lumeng

"The point to remember here is that one must be cautious. Lumeng said, "As a parent, if you are lobbying, you must make sure that you do it in a way that is good for the relationship with your"

Eating disjointed n & # 39; is important only to the extent that it is destabilizing and frustrating for parents, and inconvenient, says Lumeng.

It is rarely a health problem associated with nutritional deficiencies and poor growth. not a serious behavior problem that parents should spend a lot of energy to eliminate.

"Facing a difficult diet falls into the category how can you do little things that could make the meals better for everyone, but do not delete something" The study has several limitations: It There was strong attrition in the study population, and the results might not be generalizable to other populations outside of low-income toddlers.

The study was published in Appetite newspaper.

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