A young girl's donkey wins a Colombian contest »Manila Bulletin Entertainment


A donkey disguised as a sexy farmer won Sunday first prize in the quirky Colombian contest, without even taking the lead

  AFP / Raul ARBOLEDA The men and their donkeys participate in the 14th regional donkey contest in Moniquira , Colombia / Manila Bulletin

Men and their donkeys participate in the 14th Regional Donkey Contest in Moniquira, Colombia (AFP / Manila Bulletin)

No it was not Miss Colombia: Livestock Version but it could have been. 19659005] With obvious love for their farm animals, the inhabitants of the central city of Moniquira let their donkeys shine for 14 years at the annual donkey festival.

It would not be a party without donkey races, contests to see which one is the most elegant, and the costume contest.

With his gaudy print dress with embroidered snails on, long blond hair and bushy eyebrows, Amasijos, of the city of Arcabuco, captured the most hearts, and surpassed 59 other tale stents, including most wanted peace in the world.

Donkeys were traditionally beloved companions in the mountainous and largely rural parts of Colombia. Although they have been increasingly replaced by trucks, they still occupy a special place in the hearts of Colombians.

"The important thing is the participation of farmers, who often are not taken into account because of their lifestyle. For the victory, López had to beat other donkey owners who dressed their animals with native feathers and necklaces, or with Colombian national tea shirts

. ] Tags: Alvaro Lopez, columbian, donkey, farmgirl, Moniquira, pageant, wins

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