#ABSCBNLifestyleInspo Catriona Gray: # RealTalk-Here are my low-maintenance beauty secrets!


Lately, I've always been traveling with work and traveling. Although all these photo shoots and events are very fun, I love it when I'm taking time off – because I can just relax and be my usual low-maintenance person. In short, tamad. Ha ha! Maintaining an effective skincare routine, a balanced diet and overall happiness are essential not only for your skin, but also for your well-being. There is still a lot to learn about beauty, but I have found a routine that works for me. Here is a quick guide to my current routine of self-care

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On the care of the skin.

First of all, I have to remove all the makeup, dust and grime from my face, otherwise I'll go out quickly! Coconut oil is my favorite to break down hard to move make-up like waterproof mascara, plus its natural. To remove the coconut oil, I like to use Simple Micellar Wipes . Then I will go in and clean, my favorite facial cleanser of all time is the Lush Angels On Skin Nare Facial Wash . It has a solid and pasty texture. I especially like ground almonds that gently exfoliate my skin.

I love face oils like Rosehip but Jojoba is by far my favorite. I use it instead of a moisturizer. When I feel like pampering myself, I love to use a combination of face masks and muti-masking. As I have what is called "mixed" skin, I use different masks for my oily areas, my dry areas and my imperfections. I also make a point of going to Aivee Clinic and get facials once every two weeks.

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On makeup.

When it comes to my makeup everyday, I am very minimal. I love a good eyelash curler and non-clumpy waterproof mascara. Usually, I will use tan on the parts of my face where the sun should normally hit as well as use it as an eye shadow on my eyelids.

Then, of course, kilay! ] Because #kilayislife, I polish my microbladed eyebrows (thanks Strokes !) With an eyebrow pencil. I then fill the front of my forehead with a felt tip product to create the illusion of more hair. I am one of those who can not do without an eyebrow gel – I have the impression that it makes the brows look more natural!

For my cheeks, I love hues and I finish everything with a good moisturizing lipstick! Makeup is really a process of learning what works for you. But for me, I always feel beautiful with less makeup.

On Food

I know that many people do not want to accept this, but skin care really starts from the inside. Water is a thing that really reflects in my skin. When I neglect my water intake, my skin tends to dry out and I have more chances to go out. I also tend to touch my face and rest my head on my hands throughout the day, which transfers dirt to my skin. So, I'm just trying to be conscious. Again, everything is a learning process – be patient with yourself and find what works for you!

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Pictures of instagram.com/catriona_gray

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