AFP to intensify attacks against BIFF


Defense Sec. Delfin Lorenzana. The army will also step up its operations against the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) after the latter has warned of increasing attacks to show that he was not in favor of the law Bangsamoro Organic (BOL), Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said on Wednesday.

"We will also intensify our operations against them, we will get help from the MILF [Moro Islamic Liberation Front] and the MNLF [Moro National Liberation Front] to eliminate these people," he told reporters

READ : the BIFF warns against more & # 39; attacks by rejecting the organic law of Bangsamoro [19659003LaChambrearatifiémardilaloiorganiquedeBangsamoroquipermettralacréationdelarégionautonomedeBangsamorodansleMindanaomusulmanLeporte-paroleduBIFFAbouMisriMamaadéclaréqueleBOLneferaitquecréerplusdeproblèmescarcelaneprofiteraitqu'auxdirigeantsetnonàladirectiondelaChambredesreprésentants

Al Haj Murad Ebrahim, chairman of the MILF, which is perceived as the greatest Muslim rebel group of the country, said that 30,000 to 40,000 armed fighters would be disarmed in the new business and eventually return to their

Lorenzana, who was born and raised in Mindanao, also welcomed this evolution: "If this happens , peace will finally resign in the Muslim region of Mindanao. The effect will be far-reaching: the land will be more productive, investments will flow, development infra can continue unhindered. "

He said that skilled disarmed rebels can also join the army to join his militia units like CAFGU.The commander of the 6th Army Infantry Division, General Sobejana, described the threat of BIFF as mere "propaganda."

"Whenever they do operations, they flee us. They are trying to make the public understand that they remain a force to be reckoned with, "he said. / jpv

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