After talks, North Korea accuses the United States of demanding "gangsters"


After talks, North Korea accuses the United States of "gangster-like" claims

(Associated Press) – July 8, 2018 – 8:56
TOKYO – North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has delivered a harsh reality to Donald Trump, destroying the hopes of a quick denuclearization agreement in a reprimand against the president's high representative while accusing the states States to make "gangster" claims

After the historic summit between the United States and North Korea in Singapore, Trump said that the North was no longer a threat and that he would surrender the remains of Americans killed during the Korean War. Now, three weeks later, the two sides still disagreed on all issues, including exactly what denuclearization means and how it could be verified, after a third visit to Pyongyang by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. And, the promised remains have not yet been delivered.

Pompeo concluded two days of talks in the North Korean capital Saturday on an optimistic note, even without meeting Kim Jong Un, as he had done during his two previous trips. He said his discussions were productive and conducted in good faith, but he left much more work to do. And he and other US officials said the two countries, still technically at war after the 1950-53 Korean War, had set up working groups to deal with the details of an agreement.

Pompeo said he won denuclearization and announced Thursday a meeting between US and North Korean military officials on the repatriation of remains. But in a severe response issued only hours after Pompeo's arrival in Tokyo, the North blasted the talks, saying the visit had been "unfortunate" and that Washington's "gangster" demands were aimed at 39, to force the abandonment of nuclear weapons

. In a statement issued by the Northern Central News Agency, the Foreign Ministry said the talks between Pompeo and Kim Yong Chol were "very worrying" because they triggered a "dangerous phase" that could trigger a denuclearization.

"We expected the American side to propose constructive measures that would help build confidence on the basis of the spirit of the leaders' summit … we were also considering taking reciprocal measures," he said. did he declare. "However, the attitude and position of the United States at the first high-level meeting (between countries) was undoubtedly regrettable: our hopes and hopes were so naive that we could call them stupid. "

raised the issue of officially ending the Korean War, which concluded with an armistice and not a peace treaty, but the US proposed various "conditions and excuses" to delay a declaration. He downplayed the importance of the US suspension of their military exercises with South Korea, cheated by Trump after the summit, claiming that he had made a bigger concession by blowing up the tunnels on a nuclear test site

. The talks with Pompeo, however, carefully avoided personally attacking Trump, saying "we fully maintain our trust in President Trump," but note that Washington must not allow "headwinds" against the "wills of leaders" ". This seemed to be a reference to Trump's national security advisor, John Bolton, a famous North Korean hawk who was defamed by Pyongyang in the past. Pompeo has spoken with John Kelly, chief of staff of Trump, Bolton and White House, before his second meeting with Kim Yong Chol.

The declaration of the North, so soon after Pompeo's trip, fueled growing skepticism in the United States. Kim Jong Un is about to abandon his nuclear arsenal.

A former top American diplomat for Asia, Daniel Russel, said the setback was to be expected and warned Trump that he was engaged in a lengthy negotiation that would not easily produce "It's hard to deal with North Korea because Kim Jong Un wants it to be difficult, "said Russel, who was deputy secretary of state for East Asia and Pacific affairs in the Obama Administration. "If you force Americans to fight for every centimeter, Americans will start measuring progress in inches – and will eventually pay by the thumb." At this point, even to bring the North Koreans to continue with the return of the Korean war MIA rest, would have the impression of a great victory for Pompeo, even if it would not affect the threat nuclear. "

" Kim can afford to play hard because it is clear to him that Trump, who has already told Americans that they can sleep because the threat is now over, really wants an agreement, "said Russel: "And when you want it badly, do you understand why the North Koreans make concessions to one of Trump's assistants since the president underestimated them?"

In his comments to reporters Before leaving Pyongyang, Pompeo Kim Yong Chol made "a lot of progress" in some areas and stressed that "there is still work to be done" in others, which will be dealt with by the working groups.

He said that North Korea has proposed to discuss the closure of a missile test site. "A move to stop the production of intercontinental ballistic missiles, that both sides had agreed that A Pentagon team would meet with responsa North Korea to the border between North Korea and South Korea to discuss the repatriation of remains. "

However, in the days following the June 12 summit with Kim Jong Un in Singapore, Trump had already announced the return of the remains and the destruction of the missile facility had been completed or was underway.

on both.

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