AI beats doctors in diagnostic competition


BioMind, developed by researchers at the Center for Neurological Disorders Research and Capital Medical University, established correct diagnoses in 87% of 225 cases in approximately 15 minutes.

A team of 15 doctors from the best hospitals in China 66% accuracy in 30 minutes

The AI ​​system also made correct predictions in 83% of the expansion cases. Cerebral hematoma, surpassing the doctors, who had only 63% accuracy.

"I am not at all surprised Wang Yongjun, executive vice president of Beijing Tiantan Hospital, which houses the research center

To train the AI, the developers fed the Tens of thousands of images of nervous system-related illnesses that the Tiantan Hospital has experienced.It has been archived for the last ten years, which has made it capable of diagnosing neurological diseases common with a precision rate of more than 90% comparable to that of a high-level doctor, she said

Radiology at the first affiliated hospital of Zhengzhou University in Zhengzhou, province from Henan, said that AI has already been used to help doctors read pictures, such as pulmonary scans, in some Chinese hospitals

.He said the accuracy of the diagnoses of the IA is always late compared to professionals high level in most cases, he said.

Paul Parizel, director of the Department of Radiology at the University Hospital of Antwerp in Belgium. The jury member for Saturday's contest said he believes the integration of AI into medical services is a promising trend.

"It will be like a GPS guiding a car, it will make suggestions to a doctor and help the doctor diagnose," he said. "But it will ultimately be the doctor who will decide, because there are a number of factors that a machine can not take into consideration, such as the patient's state of health and his family situation."

AI has been increasingly used in medical care in China in recent years.

In June, the Swedish medical company Elekta announced the introduction of Watson for Oncology, a medical AI system developed by IBM in the United States. for cancer patients in China. The AI ​​platform has been used in 68 hospitals across China to assist in the treatment of cancer.


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