Alvarez, Arroyo as President of the House


(3rd UPDATE) Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, Former President of Pampanga, Replaces Gloria Macapagal Arroyo as Speaker of the House, Supported by President Sara Duterte-Carpio's Daughter

Posted 15h47, 23 July 2018 [19659003] Last updated 17:16, 23 July 2018

  THE FALL OF ALVAREZ. Former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo replaces Pantaleon Alvarez, representative of the 1st District of Davao del Norte, as Speaker of the House of Representatives.

THE FALL OF ALVAREZ. Former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo replaces Pantaleon Alvarez, representative of the 1st District of Davao del Norte, as Speaker of the House of Representatives.

MANILA, PHILIPPINES (3rd UPDATE) – After persistent rumors, Pantaleon Alvarez is no longer president of the House of Representatives.

Lawmakers chased out Alvarez, who represents the 1st district of Davao del Norte. On Monday afternoon, July 23, the 17th Congress opened its third regular session.

Former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, who is now representing the 2nd district of Pampanga, has been appointed new president.

Prior to the overthrow of Alvarez, various groups of the House met on Monday morning

. held in the morning, but only 76 of the 291 representatives attended. Vice President Gwen Garcia confirmed that he had discussed reports that other members of the House were plotting to oust Alvarez.

At noon, Alvarez's allied legislators managed to adjourn the meeting to anticipate the changes, by refusing to ratify the Bangsamoro draft. Act in time for the signing of President Rodrigo Duterte before his speech on the state of the nation in late afternoon.

However, members of the House returned to the meeting room early in the afternoon, and they circulated and signed a manifesto calling for the dismissal of Alvarez as President.

Legislators of Pro-Alvarez contest?

Alvarez, however, was still the one who greeted Duterte when the president arrived at Batasang Pambansa just before 4pm. The Speaker of the Senate Vicente Sotto III is joined to them

It remains to be seen whether Alvarez will contest the vote that took place in plenary session and will ask Duterte's help to give up the power to vote. bedroom.

Alvarez's allies are expected to challenge the vote. The mass of the House of Representatives – symbol of the legislative authority of the House – was not in plenary when lawmakers appointed Arroyo as their new Speaker.

The mass was withdrawn just before Bondoc proposed to adjourn the meeting earlier in the afternoon

The Alvarez block can therefore argue that the oath of Arroyo is invalid

History with Arroyo

 NEW SPEAKER. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, representative of Pampanga, having been sworn in as Speaker of the House of Representatives, Monday afternoon, July 23, 2018.

NEW INTERVENER. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, representative of Pampanga after being sworn in as Speaker of the House of Representatives Monday, July 23, 2018.

Arroyo escaped almost 4 years of arrest at the hospital just one month after President Rodrigo Duterte was sworn in 2016. She has since publicly expressed her support for the president, whose policies mirror those implemented by Arroyo during his tenure.

In March 2017, Alvarez dismissed Arroyo as vice-president, thus putting his threat out of the hands of all House leaders who would vote against the death penalty bill.

Arroyo was not in favor of the measure while she was an ally of Duterte, who had been pushing for the reimposition of the death penalty. It is under the chairmanship of Arroyo that the death penalty was abolished in 2006.

The dismissal of Alvarez is not a surprise, some lawmakers planning to overthrow him since March 2017.

& # 39; Make my day & # 39;

Discussions of a possible change in the leadership of the House began after Alvarez filed a complaint against his long-time friend, Antonio Floirendo Jr, Davao del Norte's second ambassador, on 13 March 2017. Floirendo was Duterte's largest campaign

Alvarez also filed a resolution calling for an investigation into the allegedly anomalous affair between Floirendo and the Bureau of Corrections. The bitter quarrel of Alvarez and Floirendo was allegedly caused by a dispute between their respective girlfriends in October 2016, a claim that Alvarez denied.

Confident that any attempt to overthrow him would not gain ground, Alvarez told the alleged plotters in March 2017: Go ahead, make my day. "

More than a year later, they managed to expel him. (READ: Does Alvarez want to abandon the 2019 elections for fear of losing?)

Alvarez is loyal to Duterte until the end, even sharing that he cried when the former mayor of Davao refused to run for president in 2016. – [19659031] [ad_2]
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