America has talent: Howie Mandel mocks Mel B about his love life by comparing it to a trapeze drop


The judges of America's Got Talent witnessed a terrifying fall in Tuesday's show, which gave Howie Mandel some comedy for Mel B.

Mary and Tyce did a dangerous trapeze, despite the fact that Tyce is legally blind.

Mary fell in the last moments, but got up with a smile. "Unbelievable!" Mel screamed at the Utah couple

  Creepy: The judges of America's Got Talent witnessed a terrifying fall in Tuesday's show, which gave Howie Mandel some comedy for Mel B

<img id = "i-e3e782ce8236e86c" src = " .jpg "height =" 472 "width =" 634 "alt =" Terrifying: The America's Got Terrifying Talent: The judges of America's Got Talent witnessed a terrifying fall in the Tuesday's show, which gave Howie Mandel some comedy for Mel B

'Howie told Mel B, as they watched a huge hematoma on Mary's side.

Just for the record, I dropped them, "replied Mel B.

Despite the mistake Mary and Tyce had the judges cut, and progressed to live shows. [19659002] The guest judge of the night was the jaw comic Ken Jeong, who was awarded the power of the Golden Buzzer. Tyce has made a dangerous trapeze Act, despite the fact that Tyce is legally blind ” class=”blkBorder img-share” />

 Bold: Mary and Tyce have made a dangerous act of trapeze, despite the fact that Tyce is legally blind

Daring: Mary and Tyce, married, made a dangerous trapeze ride, Despite the fact that Tyce is legally blind

  Jokester: "A guy let you down", Howie told Mel B, while they were looking at a huge bruise on Mary's side

 Jokester: "You had a" Howie told Mel B, while they were looking at a huge bruise on Mary's side [19659011] Jokester: "You had a guy who let you down", Howie told Mel B, while they were looking at a huge bruise on Mary's side </p>
<p class= There There were 18 acts fighting for seven places in the live rounds.

The first of the night was Junior New System – an all-male, stiletto dance troupe from the Philippines.

The dance is explosive, "said the former model Heidi Klum, 45 years old.

"It was an honor to watch you," she enthused. Ken, a 49-year-old former doctor

  Keen Mind: "Just for the record, I let them go," answered Mel B

 Quick Spirit: "Just for the record, I have them dropped "B

Bright spirit:" Just for the record, I let them go, "replied Mel B

  Fallen Angel: Mary fell in the last moments, but got up smiling . "It's amazing!" Mel yelled at the Utah couple

 Fallen Angel: Mary fell in the last moments, but got up smiling. "It's amazing!" Mel yelled at the Utah couple

Fallen Angel: Mary fell in the last moments, but got up smiling. "Just amazing!" Mel shouted to Utah couple

Junior New System made the cut.

Next was dance duo (and former lovers) Harold and Regan, 31 and 33.

He looked at you like that he was really in love with you and you have him at hardly watched, "said Mel B to Regan

" An absolute lack of chemistry, "commented Simon Cowell, after they left the scene.

  Shocker: Despite the mistake Mary and Tyce had the judges cut, and progressed to the live exhibitions

 Shocker: Despite the mistake Mary and Tyce had the judges cut, and progressed to live exhibitions

Shocker: Despite the mistake Mary and Tyce did the judges cut, and progress to the live shows

  Ouch: Mary had a huge braid on her back

 Ouch: Mary had a huge welt on her back

Ouch: Mary had a huge welt on her back [19659007] They did not make the cut.

Married Couple We, the Duos were hoping to pay for their baby waiting with the $ 1 million AGT

They sang an original song called "Stop, Just Love."

"They are so cute together," Heidi cooed.

  Still having: The aged lovebirds Celina and Filiberto, 66 and 70, danced a torrid routine that had Ken in the stitches

 Still got: The Older lovebirds Celina and Filiberto, ages 66 and 70, were dancing a torrid routine that had Ken in stitches

still have: Celestial Lovebirds Celina and Filiberto, aged 66 and 70, danced a routine scorching who had Ken in the points

  Spirit dry: Carmen Lynch, of New York, had left her work in the finance to continue the comedy

 Spirit dry: Carmen Lynch, of New York, had left her work in finance to pursue comedy

Bright spirit: Carmen Lynch, from New York, left her job in finance to pursue comedy

"You love yourself a little too much in my opinion," joked Ken.

"That one, I did not like it at all," remarked Howie, but the duo progressed to the concerts. 659002] The magician Kevin Blake had given up rapping, on the advice of Simon

The San Francisco resident took Mel B out and had his rings removed. He then let them go with balloons to helium

The jewel then appeared inside a locked and packed box that he had left on the judge's desk [19659048] Sing loud: 25-year-old Daniel Emmet, based in New York, sings classical music with rising italic verse ” class=”blkBorder img-share” />

 Sing loud: Daniel Emmet, 25, based in New York, sang music classic with Italian verses

Sing loud: Daniel Emmet, 25, sang at "I love you!" exclaims Mel, with palpable relief.

Kevin does not go to concerts

Mochi, a Japanese diablo, gave up The kids are fine: The children's choir from Voices of Hope, California, did where will go, from the movie Disney Moana ” class=”blkBorder img-share” />

 Children Are Alright: Voices of Hope Children's Choir, California, Made Up Where Will Go, Disney's Moana Movie

Children Are Good: Voices of Hop The Choir children, from California, made by far, from the movie Disney Moana

  Sorcery: "You did something that could be quite unbelievably fantastically annoying," said Simon

<img id = "i-19defb98275d13d6 "src =" "height =" 473 "width =" 634 " alt = "Sorcery:" You did something that "Simon said," You did something that can be quite boring, incredibly fantastic, "says Simon

" Because I adore e diablo, "said the 29-year-old man, who did

" You did something that could be quite unbelievably fantastically annoying, "Simon said.

Impressionist Lily Wilker, 11, of Ohio, took the panel in the jungle with a series of animal noises – but she did not "

Pam followed suit and his singer Oscar, from Ohio

  Amazing: The first of the night was Junior New System - an all-male dance troupe, in Philippine stiletto [19659069] Incredible: The first of the night was Junior New System - an all-male, s tiletto dance troupe from the Philippines

Amazing: The first of the night was Junior New System – an all-male, stiletto dance troupe from the Philippines

& # 39; It reminds me Andrea Bocelli, & # 39; Pam said, but Mel B vetoed them with his giant X.

'I could not stand it any longer, it was torturing my ears a bit'. she grimaced before Pam and Oscar were sent home.

who sang with the Spice Girls ", ironically Simon, who has been looking for a singing dog for years.

25-year-old Daniel Emmet, based in New York, sang classical music with Italian verse.

"I could listen to it all night, and I did not even know what you were saying," said Mel B Intense: the wizard Kevin Blake had dropped rap on Simon's advice [19659005]  Intense: the magician Kevin Blake had abandoned rap, on the advice of Simon

Intense: the magician Kevin Blake had abandoned the rap 19659007] "You look incredible too, very beautiful," Heidi added, but Daniel did not succeed in doing so.

The Children's Choir of Voices of Hope, California, makes up where will go, Disney's film Moana

"It really made me very emotional," said Mel B, while Simon praised their "incredible energy".

Ken then broke his Golden Buzzer, sending them directly to the live rounds.

  Warning: Crossbow wielding Aaron Crow, 50, used a laser to choose his victims - Heidi and Ken

 Warning: Cros Aaron Crow, 50, used a laser to choose his victims - Heidi and Ken

Warning: Crossbow brandishing Aaron Crow, 50, used a laser to choose his victims – Heidi and Ken

Crossbow brandishing Aaron Crow, 50, used a laser to choose his victims – Heidi and Ken.

"I was so scared," Ken admits afterwards.

Aaron made the cut.

Carmen Lynch, New York, had quit her job

  Loved and waited: Married Couple We, the Duo, were hoping to pay their baby on hold with $ 1 million worth of money. AGT

 Loved and Expected: Married Couple We, the Duo was hoping to pay For their baby waiting with the $ 1 million money from AGT

Loved and Expected: Married Couple We, the Duo hoped to pay for their baby waiting with $ 1 million AGT money

"You have a very dry mind," smiled Ken, but Carmen was ejected. [19659002] Nurse / singer Christina Wells struggled with reservation concerts because of her weight.

The mother of two did Never Enough of The Greatest Showman.

You "No longer a nurse, you are a singer," said Ken.

Christina has made progress in life, despite being "a bit out of the key According to Simon

New Hampshire rapper Maddock "Patches" Johnson, 13, was excited to win fame and groupies. Christina Wells had trouble booking concerts because of her weight ” class=”blkBorder img-share” />

 No fear: nurse / singer Christina Wells had trouble booking concerts because of her weight

"My goal is Broadway," says the teenager, who brought back another original song.

"You burned that song to ashes," Ken chuckled, but Patches did not make the cut

Celina and Filiberto, ages 66 and 70, danced a steamy routine that had Ken in the stitches . 59002] "I think we just saw 100 shades of gray," said Simon to the Cuban couple, who was sent home

AGT continues next week on NBC

  Little rapper: New Hampshire rapper Maddock " Patches "Johnson The New Hampshire rapper Maddock" Patches "Johnson, 13, was excited to win the celebrity and groupies

Little rapper: New Hampshire rapper Maddock" Patches "Johnson, 13, was excited to win the celebrity and the groupies

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