Americans can contribute to the census from 2020 until August 7


CLEVELAND, Ohio – Americans have until August 7 to comment on the US Census of 2020.

Census experts warned that inadequate budgets and stretched resources would cast doubt on Census Bureau to obtain as accurate information as possible. Critics also said that the decision of Commerce Department Secretary Wilbur Ross in March to add a question asking people their citizenship status, would intimidate immigrants and hurt response rates – especially Arturo Vargas, Executive Director of the Education Fund of the National Association of Elected Officials and Latin American Officials (NALEO), predicted that the issue of citizenship would lead to "unprecedented undercoverage of Latinos", while as their numbers have undoubtedly increased since the last official count.

Census data determine everything from the number of political representatives. said Terri Ann Lowenthal, former Staff Director of the Census House and Population Subcommittee, and Policy Advisor for the Leadership Conference.

John C. Yang, president and executive director of Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAJC), said that the United States Constitution requires a comprehensive number of residents, regardless of citizenship or immigration status. Comprehensive and accurate counting of the Asian population is essential in a community where 60 percent are immigrants, even naturalized citizens and legitimate permanent residents are nervous about the census asking for their citizenship, he said.

Jeri Green, Senior Advisor for the 2020 Census at the National Urban League, said that ensuring that people in cities and rural communities can participate, as well as black immigrants, is crucial to getting their share of federal and state resources. The Urban League says the undercount of the 2000 and 2010 censuses contributed to inequities in housing, employment, education and other socio-economic opportunities.

Wilbur Ross said in March that he was reinstating the issue of citizenship. more data on electors eligible to apply the 1965 Voting Rights Act. The census surveyed residents on their citizenship from 1890 to 1950, but stopped asking about the full census after 1950, because of evidence that it could get better data by sending a longer survey to a smaller sample.

Vanita Gupta, president and CEO of The Leadership Conference Education Fund, said that the issue of citizenship is not required to enforce the law on voting rights.

Critics, including the bipartisan Mayors' Conference, filed at least seven lawsuits challenging the census project. They point out that because the question was added recently, about the objections of the census experts, it was not about the draft of the tested census in Rhode Island.

Gupta and others on a national conference call Tuesday said that people can share their thoughts on the census at at 11:59 pm 7. Although the US government once had analyzed census data on Japanese ancestry before interning Americans of Japanese descent during the Second World War, Vargas said that privacy laws have hardened since. Census data can not be shared with other law enforcement or immigration agencies.

The Trump administration has forecast $ 3.8 billion for the census, but critics say that it is missing at least $ 933.5 million to carry out an accurate and in-depth census. ] [ad_2]
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