Ant-Man and Wasp Film Review: A Marvel movie without exception that has its best moments in the middle of the credits


After Avengers' Sturm und Drang High Stakes: Infinity War, there was a danger that Marvel's return to a smaller-scale story might seem a little anti-climax, and unfortunately that's the case . Ant-Man and The Wasp are entertaining, but not exceptional.

Like the previous episode, this film draws on the innate sympathy of Paul Rudd, who plays another affable performance like Scott Lang / Ant-Man. His absence from the mass brawl with Thanos was addressed while passing in Infinity War, but we learn here that he spent nearly two years under house arrest as a result of his actions in Captain America: Civil War [19659003]. time to rebuild his relationship with his daughter, while former allies Hank Pym and Hope van Dyne were fleeing the FBI, for their inability to surrender their size-altering technology, as required by the Sokovia Accords, which were promulgated The first film of Ant-Man was admirably self-contained, but this configuration clearly shows that we are a long way in the joint film project of Marvel. Ant-Man and the Wasp is the eighth film of 'Phase 3' and the 20th overall, which means that he is welcome – but as long expected – that he is the first to present a female character. Van Dyne would need more flaws to make her version of Wasp really interesting, but Evangeline Lilly is doing her best with what she's given.

Michael Pym does a little better old wise mentor, a role that would usually see him killed two-thirds of the way through. His quest to save his quantum domain wife, where she was trapped for 30 years, is the backbone of the film, and provides the first screen pairing of Douglas and Michelle Pfeiffer, who inexplicably did throughout the 80s and 90s without working together.

A complaint often addressed to Marvel movies is that they have a "bad guy" problem; with a few exceptions, their great cinematographic villains are slightly sketched and disposable. Anyone who hoped that Thanos' prominence in Infinity War could mark a decisive break with the past will be disappointed by Ant-Man and Wasp's return to old habits.

Walton Goggins played two of the best screen villains of recent times, Shane Vendrell of Justified Shield and Boyd Crowder. They were complex, capricious and charming; that his restorative character in Ant-Man and Wasp should be so immediately forgettable at the borders of the criminal. Similarly, British actress Hannah John-Kamen showed that she could indulge in the low-budget Canadian science fiction series Killjoys, but here she tragically lacks substance, such as Ghost physically and mentally unstable.

but unfortunately, this does not replace the development of character and emotional connection with the public. The only real glimmer of hope on the antagonistic front is Randall Park's FBI agent, Jimmy Woo, who arouses sympathy in his unsuccessful attempts to intercept Ant-Man by violating the terms of his statement. his house arrest.

Ant-Man and wasp not quite the honey craze that I narrowed the Super-Heroes hug that the trailers seemed to promise, but he has his moments. Frustrating, the best of them comes amid the closing credits – in a scene that brings the film up to date with the rest of Marvel's cinematic universe – so do not be in a hurry to leave.

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