Aquaman Movie Trailer: Super Animated Version of Friends


The trailer of the movie Aquaman gets a Super Friends ] makeover. The trailer of the underwater extravaganza of DC has dropped in San Diego Comic-Con to largely positive reactions. However, there is still room for improvement and a fan has reissued the trailer with images of Super Friends and Superman / Aquaman Hour of Adventure . / Aquaman Hour of Adventure was created by Filmation and was held from 1967 to 1968. The series was an hour-long program, consisting of six-minute adventures featuring superheroes DC's favorite of everyone. Super Friends The most well-known show used in the trailer, was a cartoon from Hanna-Barbera that aired from 1973 to 1986, defining the Justice League for a whole generation. In fact, the feelings about Aquaman himself probably come from this first exposure to the character. While writers such as Geoff Johns have made great strides toward rehabilitating Arthur Curry's image in recent years, Super Friends could not help but depict him. as the perpetually discomfort member of the team.

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Dark Blender completely overhauled the entire trailer retaining its original sound effects, dialogues and musics, but in associating them with animated sequences of the DC. The result not only delighted the fans, but also the director James Wan . This is not the first time that a fan has tried to improve on the soundtrack. YouTuber Patrick Willems remixed the trailer shortly after its debut, in a version that many believe both improves the pace and highlights the humor. Curiously, the exclusive trailer of Comic-Con would be significantly better than the trailer chosen for wide distribution, leaving many people questioning the decision to use it on scenes more likely to sell people on this unconventional superhero movie. the majority of SEUs unofficially titled so far and these images have excited people for a film that had been underestimated before. Some have embraced the iteration of Jason Mamoa's character since Justice League but others have criticized everything from the way Arthur speaks to the clothes that he wears. Until now, Wonder Woman is the only film from the DC connected universe that has been unanimously praised by fans and critics alike. Although Aquaman had many vocal supporters, there were many other fans who would prefer to see a solo release Flash or Green Lantern Corps . The first should start turning next year and this one is planned for 2020 and will be written by Johns

Between the positive reception received by both Aquaman and Shazam! Up to now, it is quite possible that the DCEU is on a bit correct. It is likely that Aquaman will please those who are already satisfied with the direction of the DCEU, but it remains to be seen whether or not the film will win its detractors. Regardless, most fans line up to see the movie version featured in this trailer.

More: Aquaman Movie Mystery Could Change the Set DCEU

Source: Dark Blender / YouTube, James Wan / Twitter [19659014] Key Release Dates

  • Aquaman (2018) Release Date: December 21, 2018
  • Shazam! (2019) Release Date: April 05, 2019
  • Joker (2019) Release Date: October 04, 2019
  • Wonder Woman 2 (2019) : 01 Nov 2019

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