Brett Kavanaugh whip list: Where Senators Appear at Supreme Court Appointment


The Democrats also look Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine, who have voiced concerns among other issues about any action to reverse Roe v. Wade, the historic decision of abortion.

In the first few hours following the announcement, many senators from both parties postponed their decision until they could better examine the many Kavanaugh cases in Washington or Washington. have time to meet face-to-face to question him publicly at his unconfirmed confirmation hearing to date with the Senate Judiciary Committee. Some senators say nothing at all. Expect this to change in the coming weeks.

For those who have already weighed, here is the last look at what the senators said about Kavanaugh's appointment and how they will vote:

Undecided Red Democrats

Bill Nelson of Florida – "I look forward to meeting the President's candidate in the coming weeks to discuss his views on several important issues such as the protection of women's rights, access I will make my decision after that. "

Jon Tester of Montana – " I take my constitutional duties for those who have pre-existing conditions and who protect the right to vote. come, I can not wait to meet Judge Kavanaugh and the Montanans have a lot to do with this next Supreme Court Judge, so I urge my colleagues on both sides to put aside the politics. "and do this that there are m Joe Donnelly of Indiana – "As I said, part of my job as a senator includes a thorough reflection on judicial appointments, including before the Supreme Court. I will follow the same approach as for a vacancy on the Supreme Court. Following the announcement of the President, I will carefully review and review the record and qualifications of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. "

Uncertain Democrats

Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire – " I Will Support the Appointment of Judge Kavanaugh That He Protects Civil Rights and Consecrated Freedoms by the Constitution. "

Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada – " I plan to meet with Judge Kavanaugh in the coming months "

Patrick Leahy of Vermont – " On the basis of 39, a first review of Judge Kavanaugh's case, we are right to worry … He must not sidestep the fundamental issues that judicial candidates have been responding for decades until recently. He needs to explain why we should believe that it would be a justice for all Americans, independent of the president and ideologically driven interest groups who chose him. "

Chris Coons of Delaware – " I will meet with Judge Kavanaugh, thoroughly review his detailed file and ask him hard and direct questions in public and private contexts. I will also do my best to make as clear as possible to the people of Delaware and the nation as a whole what it would mean to have Judge Kavanaugh in the highest court of the land. "

Tammy Duckworth, Illinois – " The replacement of Judge Kennedy will play a vital role in the lives of all women and all Americans. To go forward, I will thoroughly review Judge Kavanaugh's decisions, evaluate his qualifications, and seek him out to show the American public that he would be independent, and not just a whim for Donald Trump's quirks. , he hopes to win my support. "

Dianne Feinstein of California – " His views are far from the legal tide with regard to access to health care, executive power, gun security, worker protection , reproductive freedom of women and ability to keep clean air and water, to name a few. … We need a candidate who understands that the court is there to protect the rights of all Americans, not just political and powerful interest groups. "

Brian Schatz of Hawaii – continue to study the case of Judge Kavanaugh and follow his hearing closely, but I have serious reservations about this candidate." [19659002]

Opposing Democrats

Bernie Sanders of Vermont – I do not believe that a person with these opinions should have a life seat at the Supreme Court. We must mobilize the American people to defeat the right-wing reactionary candidate of Trump. "

Chuck Schumer of New York – " I will oppose the appointment of Judge Kavanaugh with all that I have, and I hope that one bipartisan majority will do the same thing. The stakes are simply too high for anything less. "

Kamala Harris of California – " Judge Brett Kavanaugh represents a direct and fundamental threat to this promise of equality and I will therefore oppose his appointment as Supreme Court. "

Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut – " I will vote "no" for this candidate. The record and writings of Judge Kavanaugh – which I have examined – signal extreme hostility to the valuable rights and freedoms that make our nation great. "

Bob Casey of Pennsylvania – -" I will oppose the appointment of the President will do tonight because it represents a corrupt case with the far right, the big companies and the special interests of Washington. "

Patty Murray of Washington -" I voted against Judge Kavanaugh when he was appointed for the circuit court and I strongly opposed this appointment now. I will urge my colleagues to reject me and call on President Trump to send us someone who will stand alongside women, workers and families, and who will truly commit to respecting the law. established and the rights and freedoms we hold so dear. And I will urge people across the country to stand up, to express themselves and to make their voices heard. "

Undecided Republicans Observe

Susan Collins of Maine – " I will conduct a careful and thorough examination of the presidential candidate at the Supreme Court as I l I have done so with the five previous Supreme Court justices that I have considered. "I eagerly await Justice Kavanaugh's public hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee and question him at of a meeting in my office. "

Lisa Murkowski of Alaska – " Although I have not met Judge Kavanaugh, I look forward to seeing you again. sit down for a personal meeting with him.I intend to review Judge Kavanaugh's decisions on the bench and writings, and pay special attention to his answers to the questions asked by my colleagues. of the Judicial Committee of the Senate. "

Jeff Flake of Arizona – "As I have said before, the approval of a candidate who will interpret the Constitution rather than legislating from the bench should be our top priority. I look forward to meeting Judge Kavanaugh and reviewing his case throughout the confirmation process. "

Rob Portman of Ohio – " He is highly regarded as an impartial and impartial judge. serve at the Supreme Court. I look forward to meeting him in the coming weeks while he follows a fair and comprehensive assessment process.

Ben Sasse of Nebraska – "Brett Kavanaugh is a serious jurist known for his deliberations. It does not matter to many on the left. Unfortunately, the #Resistance will try to betray it by representing it as a cross between Lex Luthor and Darth Vader. This is not the apocalypse – it's an opportunity to thoroughly review Kavanaugh's track record, seriously debate it and celebrate our auditing system, from balance and limited government. "

John Cornyn of Texas – " As the Senate begins what will be a thorough review of its record, it is disappointing that some Democrats have already rejected this nomination even before it even be done. I hope the Democrats will consider the appointment of Judge Kavanaugh on the merits, and I look forward to meeting him soon before the hearing. "

John Thune of South Dakota – " I congratulate President Trump on his selection of Brett Kavanaugh to replace Judge Kennedy in the Supreme Court. Judge Kavanaugh's judicial career demonstrated his commitment to impartiality and the faithful application of the Constitution. I look forward to meeting with Judge Kavanaugh during the confirmation process.

Marco Rubio, of Florida – "Brett Kavanaugh is a qualified jurist who has the temperament and experience necessary for I am pleased to see his appointment to the United States Supreme Court . "

Johnny Isakson, of Georgia – " I congratulate Judge Kavanaugh, a talented and experienced jurist, on his appointment to the highest court of our nation. I strongly believe that judges who understand and apply the law based on the US Constitution, and not on their personal political views, should have seats on the Supreme Court. Judge Kavanaugh's record indicates that he shares a strong commitment to the Constitution and the rule of law. I look forward to meeting with him soon and working with my Senate colleagues and the administration during the confirmation process to ensure that this highly qualified Senate is passed by the Senate in time for the next session of the Court.

Todd Young of Indiana – "Justice Kavanaugh is a highly respected judge who has proven himself by upholding the Constitution and upholding the rule of law. I look forward to a thorough and objective review of Justice Kavanaugh's appointment in the coming weeks, and I hope my colleagues will give him the same courtesy. "

Wisconsin's Ron Johnson – " A Supreme Court Judge Should Be A Judge And Not A Super-Legislator – Apply The Constitution As It Is Written, Not To Change It In result. President Trump appointed a person who met this description to Judge Neil Gorsuch last year and, to my knowledge, Judge Brett Kavanaugh also understood it. I look forward to meeting Judge Kavanaugh and the Senate as soon as possible through the confirmation process.

Dan Sullivan, Alaska – "I have had the pleasure of meeting Judge Brett Kavanaugh for a while. – going back to when we worked together in the Bush administration. He is very well regarded as a judge at the DC Circuit Court of Appeal – the second most important court in the country. "

R i Joke Shelby of Alabama -" @ POTUS # SCOTUSPick is an excellent choice. Justice Brett Kavanaugh has impressive references, and I look forward to meeting with him to examine his qualifications and his commitment to respect our Constitution as it is written.

Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi – "Judge Kavanaugh is a well-qualified conservative jurist, and I congratulate President Trump on his commitment to appoint the Supreme Court justices who are attached to the primacy of the law. "

Richard Burr of North Carolina -" In appointing Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, President Trump introduced a highly qualified and respected candidate committed to the rule of law. Judge Kavanaugh's credentials are flawless, and as a judge of the US Court of Appeals for the DC circuit, he has considered many of the most pressing legal issues of our time. "

-" The case of Judge Kavanaugh shows a deep respect and a strict interpretation of the Constitution. Throughout his judicial career, Justice Kavanaugh has demonstrated a strong commitment to upholding the law, rather than legislating from the bench. "

Ted Cruz of Texas -" Justice Kavanaugh is one of the most respected federal judges in the country and I look forward to supporting his appointment to the United States Supreme Court . "

Lindsey Graham of South Carolina -" I am a big fan, let's say it like that. "

This story will be updated with further developments.

CNN & # 39; s Elizabeth Landers, Lauren Fox, Manu Raju, Ted Barrett, Phil Mattingly and Kristin Wilson contributed to this report

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