CEP is only an advisory body, says Liew – Nation


A Minister of the Prime Minister's Department rejected suggestions that the Council of Eminent Persons (CEP) would have overstepped its role even though opposition members were asking for explanations about the visit of the CEP president, Tun Suede Zainuddin in China. Keong said the visit was on the instructions of the prime minister, so that deer could get views on relevant issues.

"The CEP is doing a national service, providing their expertise without any salary.The CEP has only an advisory function and has no executive powers, all that is required. they recommend to the government is not necessarily binding, "he said in response to a supplementary question by Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar (BN-Rembau) in parliament yesterday. 1965-19002] Khairy had asked about the source of power of the CEP, and claimed that the members were unelected and irresponsible, so they should be dismantled.

The chairman of CEP Daim was in China last week, and Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad said that he was sent there. a request for renegotiation of loans and contracts that the previous government had signed with Chinese companies.

Khairy claimed that the CEP seemed to be more than just government advisers.

For example, he mentioned when Daim summoned Tun Md Raus Sharif and Tan Sri Zulkefli Ahmad Makinudin to his office in early June.

A few days after the meeting, Md Raus and Zulkefli resigned respectively from the presidency and the court of appeal

Khairy also criticized the appointment of Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz, a member of the CEP, to the Presidency of Permodalan Nasional Bhd and Sime Darby. Property Bhd.

"How is all this national service going, when will the government dissolve the CEP?", He asked.

In response, Liew stated that the question on the locus standi of the CEP was non-existent as it was a consultative, non-statutory body, once its task of preparing recommendations to complete Pakatan's 100-day manifesto Harapan completed, the CEP would be dissolved.

Later in the Parliament, Khairy said: "It was true that the previous government also had"

"I was limited to expressing the views of people who are not too happy with the CEP.

"The Malaysian government is based on three pillars – the executive, the legislature and the judiciary – and the POC should not be the fourth pillar," he said. Dr. Wee Ka Siong urged the government clearly explain the powers of the CEP

"We want to know what their powers and skills are and they can make certain decisions on behalf of the government.

"We even see that President Tun Daim received a special mission to China.

" This is not just a social visit or a visit to friends. "[TRADUCTION]" Previously, Pakatan stated that they opposed the position of Special Envoy to the Prime Minister. Is it the same practice? Asked Dr. Wee

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