The building belonged to chemical manufacturer Hengda, who "was conducting illegal construction at the factory that had not passed security and firefighting checks," says Xinhua
published 11:56 14 July 2018 [BEIJINGChine-Lesautoritésontarrêté"several"suspectssuiteàl'explosiond'uneusinechimiquedanslesud-ouestdelaChinequiafait19mortset12blessésselonlesmédiasofficielsL'explosion'estproduitejeudi18juilletà18h30(10h30GMT)dansunparcindustrieldelavilledeYibindanslaprovincedeSichuanselonuncommuniquépubliésurlesiteInternetdel'administrationlocaledelasécuritédutravail
local Web site & # 39; information showed what appeared to be the burnt shell of a building surrounded by rubble.
The building was owned by chemical manufacturer Hengda, who was "Conducting an illegal construction at the factory that had not passed security and fire control checks," said Friday. July the Xinhua official news agency, citing local authorities. The explosion of the septic tank last November destroyed a large, light industrial area in Ningbo, just south of Shanghai.
In 2015, giant chemical explosions in a container storage facility killed at least 165 people in the port city of Tianjin in the north of the country.
The blasts caused more than $ 1 billion worth of damage and angered the public. the causes of the accident and its impact on the environment.
A government investigation finally recommended that 123 people be punished. The mayor of Tianjin at the time of the accident was sentenced to 12 years in prison for corruption in September – Rappler.com
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Tags Chemical China explosion Holds plant suspects