BEIJING, July 25 (Xinhua) – China's drug regulator launched Wednesday, July 25, 2009 The State Drug Administration (SDA) announced Wednesday.
The investigation is led by the State Drug Administration (SDA) on Wednesday.
Changchun Changsheng Life Sciences Limited, a Chinese vaccine maker, was subject to an unannounced inspection by the SDA and Jilin Provincial Food and Drug Bureau on July 6 and July 8 following a tip-off.
On July 15, the SDA announced that the company had illegally produced freeze-dried rabies vaccines after a comprehensive investigation the same day.
The SDA had been revoked by the GMP Certificate of Registration and Inspection Records, and it had been revoked by the United States of America. of vaccines.
The SDA said that none of the batches of human rabies vaccines have been reviewed during the recent unannounced inspection of the factory.
"All the inspected vaccines are under control,"
In October 2017, two batches of DPT vaccine produced by the Changchun Changsheng Life Sciences Limited and Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd. were found to be defective.
The DPT vaccine production of the Changchun-based company has been suspended since then. The Diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus
In March 2018, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (1965). CCDCP) issued a plan for replanting DPT vaccines for those children who had used unqualified DPT vaccines.
By implementing a national immunization program, China has effectively taken control of the targeted infectious diseases, the CCDCP said Wednesday.
According to the CCDCP, China has stopped the spread of indigenous poliomyelitis since 1995 through vaccination. The annual infections of measles in China used to be as high as 9 million in the middle of the 20th century, but the number was reduced to less than 6,000 in 2017. In the 1960s, up to 3 million people were affected with epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis in a single year, and the number dropped in 200 in 2017.
"The national immunization program has effectively protected the health and life of children," the CCDCP said.
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