Comelec sets the deadline for the registration of political parties on July 16


  Comelec also reminded the political groups that the deadline for the registration of the coalition of political parties is 31 August 2018, in accordance with Resolution No. 10395. (Photo by Elmer B. Domingo - Labor personal, CC BY-SA 3.0)
Comelec also reminded the political groups that the deadline for the registration of the coalition of political parties is 31 August 2018, in accordance with Resolution No. 10395. ( Photo by Elmer B. Domingo – Own Work, CC BY-SA 3.0)

MANILA – Political parties wishing to register their respective organizations have until July 16 to file their petitions for the registration of ballots national and local 13 May 2019, announced Friday the Commission Elections (Comelec)

"However, as the deadline falls on a Sunday, political party registration applications will be accepted until 17 h Comelec also reminded the political groups that the deadline for the registration of the coalition of political parties is 31 August 2018, in accordance with Resolution No. 10395 of 16 July 2018, Monday.

He added that petitions may be submitted to the Clerk of the Commission.

Applicants are required to pay a fee of PHP 10,100.

Under Article 61, Article VIII of the Code an organized group of persons wishing to register as a national or regional political party may submit to the Commission a verified petition annexing its constitution, its statutes, platform or program and any other relevant information required by the Commission. "19659004]" The Commission, after having been duly notified and heard, decided the application within ten days from the date on which it was submitted for decision, "she added.

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