Comment: We are now living in a "science fiction world". We must stimulate STEM education


SINGAPORE: We are in the midst of an exponential change that seems to come out of a sci-fi movie.

Humanized robots. Auto driving cars, supercomputing and singularity.

The fourth industrial revolution characterized by technology, and the fusion of the physical, digital and biological worlds, is truly upon us. The question is how far do we live in a world that is constantly reinventing itself

To survive, adapt and be relevant in this new world, the skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) will be imperative.


Long before Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong identified the capabilities of STEM as essential to the growth of Singapore for the next 50 years in 2015, Singapore took a step in that direction. of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A * STAR) in 1991.

The purpose of the creation of A * STAR n & n It was not only to advance Singapore's economy but also to develop the biomedical sciences. Two hubs, Biopolis and Fusionopolis, were opened respectively in 2003 and 2008, giving Singapore a competitive advantage in research and development (R & D).

the opening of Biopolis in 2003 that the center of Biopolis was conceived as the cornerstone of a vision to build the biomedical science industry in Singapore, and in doing so, be able to generate economic growth, create jobs and improve the quality of life of Singaporeans.


Fusionopolis. (Photo: JTC website)

It has also been realized that good talent is needed to conquer a part of this knowledge-intensive growth industry for Singapore as the types of jobs created and the skills demanded evolve.

. to produce graduates not only academically competent, but also endowed with relevant and practical skills to succeed in this economy of the future. But are we going far enough?

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According to a survey commissioned by Amgen Asia and the STEM Global Alliance in 2017 among 1,580 high school students and 560 teachers, about 90 One hundred students in Singapore benefit from one or more STEM subjects and are most likely going to major in one of them post-secondary.

The survey also revealed that there is still a gap in student engagement and equipment teachers.

70% of teachers think that students should learn how STEM is used in the real world; 84% of students would prefer more practical activities, while 78% of them would like to have access to quality experiences.

Dr. Kwok Sen Wai, a researcher at A * STAR, echoed this idea by stating that students should be taught that the skills they gain in science and math can help solve problems. real. Students should be inspired to take STEM classes and be motivated to create something that others can use.

In addition to practical tools and practical applications, education providers must instill in students a desire

It is thanks to this kind of state of mind and to the appetite to learn from our next generation that we can develop these capabilities collectively as a country.

It's a skill that even those who change careers find valuable midway. To quote an example from PSB's School of Life Sciences and Physical Sciences, Katherine Liew-Tan runs her own digital branding business after completing her communications studies at Nanyang Technological University [19659015]. with her clients major skin care companies has led her to pursue a bachelor's degree in pharmaceutical science with La Trobe University, so that she can better meet the needs of her clients.

READ: The humanities at the heart of a holistic education in a technology-driven world. A commentary

  Astar researchers

Researchers of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A * STAR). (Photo: Ngau Kai Yan)


The role of Singapore as President of ASEAN this year weighs heavily in this conversation, the theme being "Resilience and innovation". Countries plan to partner with Singapore as the region seeks to climb the ladder of innovation.

Countries like Indonesia are already seeing benefits in taking advantage of technological disruptions, from retail to telecommunications, to reap new business models and employment opportunities. 19659002] Singapore is also Asia's leader in human capital development while countries like Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia are lagging despite improvements from previous years, based on According to Founder and Executive Chairman from the WEF, Klaus Schwab, the global shortage of talent leads to investments in education, especially in lifelong learning and in strengthening highly qualified opportunities

. It is not enough for the country to launch pioneering national initiatives such as Smart Nation and SkillsFuture. It takes close collaboration with neighboring countries to strengthen ASEAN's ability to capitalize on these technological trends to move forward collectively.

The Young Southeast Asian Leaders Workshop Initiative in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

The workshop saw more than 50 young people aged 18 to 25 from Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Laos, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. ] BUILDING STRAIN POSSIBILITIES

Similar initiatives are needed with commitment and consistency. Singapore should work with other ASEAN countries and industry experts and governments to deepen the capabilities of STEM in the region.

Tripartite partners, including businesses, also have a role to play in the teaching of STEM. Employers must adopt and promote lifelong learning and society must celebrate and recognize a wide range of achievements

  ASEAN generic hi-res

Photo of the flag of ASEAN and flags of ASEAN member countries. (AFP / Romeo Gacad)

STEM industry champions can play a more active and direct role by offering their expertise as assistant lecturers, by organizing internships and internship opportunities, and by promoting continuing education for employees . Providers can create a link allowing students to network and learn from industry practitioners. In turn, these partners can leverage the talents and skills of students, matching talents with STEM roles.

The ultimate goal is to create STEM capabilities to contribute to ASEAN's vision of becoming vibrant, connected and growing. Region. Our future depends on it.

Derrick Chang is Managing Director of PSB Academy

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