Congress accuses' Modi-Amit Shah Ilk & # 39; to distort the process of Assam NRC for opportunistic political gains


New Delhi: Congress on Tuesday accused the BJP of skewing the process of the National Register of Assam Citizens (NRC) for political gain and blasted Amit Shah for deliberately giving a "twist Mischievous "to the question by Congressional Spokesperson, Randeep Surjewala, said the NRC was meant to reflect the aspirations of the Assamese people and not as a tool to divide society, which the BJP government does to be. "History will never forgive the likes of Modi-Amit Shah for distorting the whole process for opportunistic political gains," he said.

  Image file of Congress communications in charge Randeep Surjewala. PTI

Image of Congress Spokesperson Randeep Surjewala. PTI

Congressman Anand Sharma rejected the charges brought by Shah, who had stated in Rajya Sabha that congressional governments had not the courage to carry out the NRC to identify illegal immigrants in Assam in accordance with the 1985 agreement.] Sharma said that the Congress is in principle in agreement with the idea of ​​the NRC, but has objections to how it is implemented so much of Anomalies and defects were discovered, because of which a large number of people with valid documents are discarded. 19659002] "The question that the Congress points out is that a large number of Indians have been returned as refugees in their own country and this was unacceptable," he said and urged the BJP and the government to behave responsibly on this issue. and the unit.

Sharma said that since Monday, the opposition calls for a structured debate on developments after the publication of the draft National Register of Citizens. He alleged that the issue was "distorted" by the BJP and its leaders.

"It was important that the opposition express its concern about the deprivation of the rights of our own citizens of other states or of Assam as an indigenous people" The reaction of the Congress is occurred after Shah attacked the opposition party for questioning the NRC draft list, in which 40 lakh people were excluded, saying "who do you want to save? You want to save the illegal Bangladeshis. "His remarks sparked angry protests from the opposition leading to the Rajya Sabha's postponement.

Later, at a press conference, the leader the BJP demanded that the other parties express their position on the issue

. "The BJP leaders deliberately give a mischievous twist to what they said, we reject it in its entirety, we are a country, people from various states are going to live in other states of the country either to work, they can not be considered non-citizens, which is one of the concerns.

The Congress leader said that Supreme Court orders should be respected in the letter and in the spirit. "The Minister of the Interior says that the government has nothing to do, according to the guidelines of the Supreme Court … The assertion of the president of the BJP was unjustified and provocative, and it is also an insult to the Supreme Court.It is the BJP that runs the Supreme Court, it is a serious matter, it needs an immediate clarification, "he added. [19659005HeaddedthatalloppositionleadersincludingoppositionleaderRajyaSabhaGhulamNabiAzadTheleaderofCongresssaidthatthedisruptionofRajyaSabhaTuesdaywasentirelyduetothe"unwarrantedprovocativestatementmadebyBJPleadersandmembersoftheBJPwhichisindirectconflictwithwhattheInteriorMinisterhasinformedLokSabha"

" It is now up to the Minister of the Interior to clarify when he maintains the statement he made Monday in the Lok Sabha or he agrees with the statement a was made in Rajya Sabha by BJP President Shri Amit Shah. Surjewala said that on the one hand, Shah is looking for a "false credit" for the CNR in Assam, and on the other hand, the government of Narendra Modi brings the bill (amendment) on citizenship, " Will Amit Shah answer that? "He asked.

The Minister of the Interior of the Union, Rajnath Singh, attributes the NRC process to the supervision of the Supreme Court. that Shah "falsified" the statement that his Minister of the Interior made to Parliament by "seeking funds for the implementation of the NRC". Rajnath Singh or Amit Shah? "

" Amit Shah and his company are the virulent heirs of the British East India Company. Their policy of divide and conquer spreads venomous hatred and decimates the brotherhood of India to collect votes is their main program, "he alleged. [F (b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f .fbq) return; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod?
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