Could there be a return of Oasis?


Liam Gallagher urges his brother, former band mate Noel

  to separate from his brother. PHOTO: HTF Magazine

PHOTO: HTF Magazine

LONDON: The singer Liam Gallagher wants to be reconciled with his brother and ex-Oasis Noel, his teammate, almost 10 years after the famous British split rock. The brothers have been involved in a heated public row since Noel left the band in 2009.

Formed in 1991 in the English city of Manchester, Oasis dominated the British pop charts in the following decade, with catchy songs influenced by the Beatles, combined with a hard and boastful image.



"Earth at Christmas … I forgive you now Let's assemble the BIG O (Oasis) …" Liam said in a tweet Thursday night [19659005] Linkin Park renders a vibrant tribute to Chester Bennington on the occasion of the first anniversary of his death

After no sign of Christmas response, Liam tweets Friday, "I'll take this as a NO then, as you were . "

Noel played the song Oasis hit Do not look back in anger alone in September, at the concert tribute to the Manchester bombing. In an interview with BBC in November, Noel vowed never to play with his brother again.



The two brothers pursue a solo musical career since Oasis divided. But together, they delivered many great hits such as Champagne Supernova, Wonderwall, Stop Crying Your Heart, Supersonic, The Hindu Times and of course, Do not Look Back in anger

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