Duque urges lawmakers: Hasten UHC passing bill


Health Secretary Francisco Duque urged lawmakers to respond to the President's call by speeding up the adoption of the Universal Health Care Bill (UHC) to ensure a better health care. unrestricted access to medical and medical care. Disadvantaged Philipps.

"We are more than satisfied and we appeal, we are asking the Senate to speed up their version of this but essentially it will not be very different from the executive version of universal health care," Doque said at of an interview at the 2018 Asia-Pacific Healthy Islands Conference: Networking for Resilient Island Health Systems at the Marco Polo Hotel in Davao City

The Chief of the Department of Health Health has welcomed the state's recent state of affairs to address (Sona) Monday to President Rodrigo Duterte after he cited the need to speed up his passage and even certify the bill as urgent when from the previous cabinet meeting earlier this month. [19659002″Noussommesreconnaissantsauprésidentdel'avoirsoulignélorsdesondiscourssurl'étatdelanationetnoussommestrèsheureuxdusensduprésidentencequiconcernelapromotiondel'adoptiondelaloiuniversellesurlessoinsdesanté”adéclaréDoque19659002] Duque said that they only wait for the Senate version of the UHC bill. Under this bill, it aims to strengthen the delivery of primary health care services to strengthen health posts in each barangay, so that public health services can be felt at the grassroots level.

42 percent (barangay health resorts) to be exact, but we need to cover a lot more ground in setting up the basic unit of primary health care, "he added

The Chamber's Bill 4784 also advocates the full range of health services: promotion, disease prevention, intervention, curative, rehabilitation, treatment and palliative care

also reconstituted by Philippine Health Security. Corporation (PHSC) as it becomes the national purchaser of health services.

"In the field, it is there that the question of primary health care mu We must make sure that our people, Basically, they can have access to quality health care and they can not all go to hospitals, malayo, magastos, "he said. 94 million Filipinos are covered by PhilHealth.

He said that the bill would receive its 137 billion piastres of taxes and part of the collection of the tax on sweetened beverages under the tax reform law for acceleration and inclusion .

Much of this aid is intended to cover the portion of the population that still needs a sustainable membership in PhilHealth, including 37 billion uncovered PTPs and 65.2 billion P for the provision of primary health care services. in the basic delivery unit which are the barangay health resorts. (JCR)

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