Duterte, Mahathir reaffirm the need to strengthen security, defense links


  President Rodrigo Duterte meets Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad in Putrajaya, Malaysia, on July 16, 2018. MALACANANG PHOTOS

President Rodrigo Duterte meets with Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad in Putrajaya, Malaysia, 16 July 2018. MALACANANG PHOTO President Rodrigo Duterte and Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad reaffirmed Monday the need to strengthen the defense and security ties between the Philippines and Malaysia while the region is threatened by foreign terrorists, said Mr. Malacañang

. Duterte was with special assistant President Christopher "Bong" Go, National Security Advisor Hermogenes Esperon Jr., and Foreign Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano.

In a meeting at the office of the Malaysian Prime Minister in Putrajaya. statement, Malacañang said Duterte and Mahathir discussed "issues of mutual interest."

The two leaders, the PA "President Duterte also renewed the commitment to further strengthen defense and security cooperation at the bilateral and regional levels," he added. 19659004] "President Duterte stressed the need to combat terrorism and violent extremism in the region, as well as against transnational crime such as piracy and armed robbery and drug trafficking", adds -t it. Malaysia's continued support for just and sustainable peace and development in Mindanao.

Malaysia is the third facilitator of peace negotiations between the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). the importance of working closely together bilaterally and at Asean to achieve the shared aspirations for more peace, progress and prosperity for the Phili. "Before the bilateral meeting, Duterte and Mahathir watched on Sunday the fight between Senator Manny Pacquiao and Argentine boxer Lucas Matthysse. / Ee

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