Duterte wants Concom to reduce his mandate


MANILA, Philippines – After repeatedly pledging not to be re-elected after 2022, President Duterte plans to resign halfway or before the creation of a federal government

. from Malacañang before 2022 – he gets his wish to let the electorate choose the transition leader before the official establishment of a federal government.

Roque says Duterte wants Advisory Committee (Concom) to be formed to propose amendments to future Charter He presented his proposed charter on federalism to the President yesterday and expressed his confidence that the project would promote well-being of the poor, "Before, the president said that he was ready to serve as a transition leader until 2022., but he announced earlier today that he wanted a provision stating that the transition leader should be elected, "said Roque in a chance interview to Malacañang

" He said that it was his proposal to eliminate the suspicions that he has of ". "Secondly, because he's very tired, he's old, and maybe electing a transition leader would allow a young leader to take over," he added.

Roque stated that Duterte, 73, made these remarks at the beginning of the cabinet meeting yesterday. He said the president could resign next year if voters ratify the new constitution.

"What he said is that he wants to serve until the new constitution is approved and it seems his assumption is that there would be a plebiscite in 2019 so that people can vote on the ratification of the new charter, "said the spokesman.

Roque said the cabinet members were shocked by the announcement of Duterte. He said that & ### 39, he felt sad because he wanted Duterte to serve the country until 2022.

He could not say if Duterte had the same view on the post of vice president, post occupied by opposition leader Leni Robredo. "But I think that at least the president's allies will honor his wish because it's a clear statement that he no longer wants. To ask him if Duterte would change if there was a clamor for it to stay, Roque replied: "He said it with conviction, that's why I'm Was a little sad and the way he said, "I'm tired, it's for someone younger." So, it seems like it's his final decision. "

In a hurry if the president could still change his mind, Roque said, "I can not say the tone of the president, I knew he meant what he said." [19659002] But the President's request to allow him to resign sooner would not happen if the public does not ratify the new charter.

Critics have accused Duterte of using efforts to amend the Power Constitution. The president denied this assertion by stating that he was ready to resign after the creation of the federal government.

Bayanihan Federalism

The President of Concom and former Chief Justice Reynato Puno stated that the committee worked "independently and impartially". He said the charter establishes "bayanihan" federalism (communal unity) that will form socially, economically and politically viable and sustainable regions.

"We have divided the powers of the government by the Philippine spirit of bayanihan where the federal government and the federated regions govern the people, less in competition but more in cooperation with each other and aligned with the maxim the The welfare of the people is the supreme law, "said Puno, adding that the charter also democratizes the electoral process by banning" turncoatism "and banning political dynasties from going to the polls.

It also creates an independent competition commission to prevent monopolies

"The draft constitution not only equalized the rules of the political game, but also equalized the rules of the economic game. The draft constitution prohibits monopolies and oligopolies that significantly reduce market competition and abuse of their dominant position, "said Mr. Puno


The draft constitution also removes a single term limit for The President of the Country

The Congress will begin to debate the proposed constitution this month, with the aim of presenting it to the public in a referendum next year.] According to the draft charter there is no change to the 40 percent cap on foreign ownership of corporations, utilities and land.Investors have been frustrated to be excluded from certain sectors in a market of more than 100 million Filipinos, either driven by local monopolies or by regulations that limit foreign investment. "19659002] Roque said the draft charter was an important step in the transition to a federal system of government that aims to stimulate the economy and give more autonomy to the provinces

"We hope that Congress will give it a lot of weight". told reporters

Under the proposed charter, all elected officials, including the president and vice-president, will serve a four-year term with the possibility of re-election for a second term.

The president and vice-president are currently elected for six years and prevented from running for a second term.

Duterte and Robredo will retain their posts during the transition period until elections are called under the new constitution in May 2022. [19659002] The transition to a federal system has been Duterte's priority since coming to power two years ago, saying that he will resign immediately and will demand new elections under the new constitution

A poll of opinion conducted in March reveals that only 37% of Filipinos agree with the transition to a federal system of government

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