Effects of Air Pollution on Children's Health – From Asthma to Obesity and Diabetes


Effects of air pollution on the health of children and young adults

Effects of air pollution on the health of children and young adults & nbsp | & nbspPhoto Credit: & nbspThinkstock

New Delhi: Air pollution affects everyone and kills millions of people every year around the world. However, some groups of people may be more vulnerable to adverse effects or air pollution than others. Perhaps studies suggest that different pollutants can affect these groups differently. It has been proven that older people, children, pregnant women and people with pre-existing conditions – such as asthma, lung disease, cardiovascular disease – are at increased risk of air pollution. In recent days, the national capital, Delhi, and its neighboring regions are struggling with high levels of pollution, thus crossing the danger zone.

The World Health Organization recently warned that exposure to toxic air, both inside and out, was killing about 600,000 children from around the world. under 15 years of age each year. According to health experts, although most children are not affected by short-term ambient air pollution spikes, some symptoms, such as those already suffering from heart or lung problems, may to be aggravated. In this article, let's understand how toxic air can affect the health and well-being of children and young adults. Read – Air pollution in Delhi: effects of particles and pollutants on your health


According to Asthma UK, young adults and children with underlying chronic diseases, such as asthma, are more likely to be affected by air pollution because they breathe faster and their lungs grow again. Children living in highly polluted areas are more likely to have reduced lung function in adulthood. In addition, long-term exposure to high concentrations of air pollution can cause asthma in children.

Lung development

Air pollution limits the development of the lungs in children. It has been found that children aged 8 to 10 years living in highly polluted areas have a lung capacity 10% lower than normal. The researchers have suggested that this reduced growth or lung function may never recover its full capacity. Read – Air Pollution in Delhi: Five Best Indoor Plants That Purify air in your house

Obesity and diabetes

Evidence suggests that exposure to ambient air pollution could contribute to the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes. The researchers found that children aged 8 to 15 years exposed at higher air pollution had lower insulin sensitivity. These children were also found to have a decline in beta cell function and a higher body mass index (BMI) at 18 years of age. Children, whose lungs grow and still develop, are at particular risk of air pollution for several reasons – their and the metabolic system are still developing, they suffer from frequent respiratory infections, and so on.


A recent study, published in the journal Environment International, warned that air pollution increased the risk of developing an autism spectrum disorder in children by up to 78%. Although the causes of autism are complex and poorly understood, researchers note that environmental factors are increasingly recognized, in addition to genetic and other factors. "The developing brains of young children are more vulnerable to toxic exposures in the environment and several studies have suggested that this could affect the functioning of the brain and the immune system," said Zhiling Guo of the Chinese Academy. Sciences.

Research has shown that exposure to air pollution during pregnancy can impair brain development and contribute to behavioral and cognitive problems later in childhood.

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