Eight other bodies recovered from the Hpakant mine landslide


Thursday's discovery brings to nine the number of victims recovered from the landslide.

Shortly after the landslide at dawn on Tuesday, rescuers recovered a body, according to U Kyaw Swa Aung, administrator of Hpakant Township. He said that they are working to recover at least 18 other victims.

Residents and witnesses of the landslide at the jade mine operated by Aye Yar Yadanar in the village of Lower Mat-lin-chaung said that up to 40 jade scavengers were buried in the area. 39, collapse of the mountain of land. the bodies we recovered were afloat in the water. They were discovered after we dug ditches to let the water drain out of the pond so that the excavators could get into it. "The amount of dirt that has collapsed is huge, so we have not found anyone yet."

He said the police were trying to determine the identity of the victims. Rescuers are now digging more ditches to drain the water out of the pond, said the township administrator.

The landslide occurred while the Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment of Kachin State, H La Aung, was conducting an inspection tour of Hpakant , including its jade mines.

Most of the missing people were from the Rawan ethnic group of Shansu, Maklinchaung, Mamone, Hpapyin and Sapot villages, according to police.

About 500 people lost their lives in landslides from 2014 to 2018 in Hpakant, according to the report. , "Dangerous Lives for Jade", by the Humanity Institute and the Kakin National Social Development Foundation of Hpakant

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