Emperor Akihito of Japan resumes his duties after illness


Emperor Akihito resumed official duties Thursday after three days of treatment for blood brain insufficiency, said a 84-year-old palace spokesman at AFP

. nausea caused by the condition, known as cerebral anemia.

A spokesman for the palace said the monarch "did his official homework as usual", refusing to comment further


The monarch has already been operated on for prostate cancer and heart problems, and his condition is closely monitored in Japan.

He shocked the country in 2016 when he expressed his desire to withdraw after nearly three decades. in the work, citing his age and his health problems.

On Monday, a government spokesman said that the monarch had been treated for cerebral anemia, and the next day the palace said that it was

Akihito should be the first emperor to withdraw – April 30, 2019 – in more than two centuries in the oldest imperial family in the world.

His eldest son will succeed him.

The status of the emperor is sensitive to Japan – a legacy of the massive Pacific war waged in the name of Akihito's father, Hirohito, who died in 1989.

Akihito embraced the role more modern as a symbol of the state, which was imposed on the royal family after the end of the Second World War. Previous emperors, including Hirohito, had been treated as semi-divine. / vvp

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