Erdogan takes new powers, names his son-in-law's chief financial officer


Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has already turned Turkey into a 15-year reign, swears an oath before parliament under the new presidential regime denounced by opponents as a unipersonal regime

Published 1:30 PM, July 10, 2018

Updated 1:30 pm, July 10, 2018

  2nd SESSION. This photo, taken and broadcast on July 9, 2018 by the Turkish President, shows Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, alongside his wife Emine Erdogan, gesturing during his address at the Ankara Presidential Complex. Photo by Kayhan Ozer / Office of the Turkish President / AFP

DAY 2. This photo, taken and broadcast on July 9, 2018 by the Turkish President, shows Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, alongside his wife Emine Erdogan, gesturing during his address at the Ankara Presidential Complex. Photo by Kayhan Ozer / Office of the Turkish President / AFP

ANKARA, Turkey – President Recep Tayyip Erdogan took on Monday, July 9, more powers than any Turkish leader for dozens of years. years. Constable at the key position of Minister of Finance in a reorganized cabinet.

Erdogan, who has already turned Turkey into a 15-year government, was sworn into parliament under the new presidential regime denounced by his opponents as a Describing the monumental change as a "fresh start", he swore at the 39, a subsequent ceremony at his vast presidential palace in Ankara to be the president of all 81 million Turks.

"We came to be masters of our people," he added.

He then unveiled the first cabinet of the new system, appointing his 40-year-old son-in-law Berat Albayrak to the crucial post of finance minister, in a move that seemed to upset the markets

Army Chief of Staff Gene Hulusi Akar joined the government as Defense Minister, but Mevlut Cavusoglu retained his ministerial post

Fuat Oktay, former head of the Turkish emergency agency, was appointed vice president, newly created position.] "The regime of". one man "

The new system, which exempts from the post of Prime Minister, was accepted in a bitterly disputed referendum in 2017, narrowly won by the" Yes "camp The question continues to polarize public opinion in Turkey

"A uniperson regime Partisan party officially begins today, "said the Cumhuriyet opposition newspaper

but the pro-government daily Yeni Safak hailed it as a" historic day ". , saying, "A page ends in Turkish history and a new page opens."

The president is now at the top of a vertical power structure marked by a lightened government with 16 ministries instead of 26 and several bodies

In one of the most significant changes, the Ministry of European Affairs, established in 2011 to oversee Turkey's hesitant attempt to join the bloc, is integrated into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Prime Minister Binali Yildirim goes down in history as the 27th and last incumbent of the post in Turkey. He should become president of the new parliament

"Leader of the multipolar world"

The transition ceremony was overshadowed by a lethal derailment in northwestern Turkey on Sunday, July 8th. who killed 24 people and injured hundreds. Erdogan said the folk dance and a laser show had been canceled accordingly

Among the participants were the main allies of Ankara of Africa, the Middle East and the former Soviet Union , but relatively few European personalities

Dmitry Medvedev was present, in a new sign of the warm ties between Ankara and Moscow, like Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, considered disdainfully by Washington but an ally of Erdogan.

In a tweet, Maduro hailed Erdogan as a "friend of Venezuela". But Erdogan faces immediate challenges posed by the hesitant attempt of Ankara to join the EU and tensions between the United States and its NATO ally.

Erdogan will turn this week immediately to foreign countries. political, by visiting northern Cyprus and Azerbaijan, followed by more difficult encounters at a NATO summit in Brussels where he will meet US President Donald Trump and other leaders .

Lira puts pressure on

Markets were closely watching the finance ministry, eager to see hand in hand in a fast-growing economy, marked by double-digit inflation and growing deficit of the current account.

The appointment of Albayrak, the husband of the eldest daughter of Erdogan Esra and former energy minister, was a surprise, with no room for Mehmet Simsek, the former Deputy Prime Minister for the economy who trusted the markets.

Ruhsar Pekcan, one of the two women cabinet, was appointed Minister of Commerce.

Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu retains his post while Akar is appointed Minister of Defense. The AKP party has failed to win a majority in the legislative elections and will need the support of its allies from the rightwing Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) that could push Erdogan also promised to end the state's rule. emergency that has been in place since the failed state coup of July 2016 and which has experienced the largest purge of the history of modern Turkey.

At the inauguration, 18,632 public sector employees were fired, including thousands of soldiers and police officers during a new wave of repression. –

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