Foot-and-mouth disease: Is animal feed a risk?



Foot-and-mouth disease: is animal feed a risk?

09 July 2018

  Manitoba Pork Council

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The Swine Health Information Center has approved a research project that will examine the risk of transmitting the virus responsible for foot-and-mouth disease by ingestion

Research by Pipestone Research Group, South Dakota State University and Kansas State University. Dr. Paul Sundberg, Executive Director of the Swine Health Information Center, said that the USDA's agricultural research service on Plum Island was developed by the Center for Disease Control. 39, USDA's hog health information. been invited to examine the infectivity of foot-and-mouth disease given the normal feeding behavior.

Feeding behavior will be targeted in new research on the infectivity of FMD

Dr. Sundberg explains:

FMD is a highly infectious virus – it is easily transmitted from one country to another. one animal on the other.

It is easily transmitted by passive vectors; in other words, it could infect animals by picking up the virus from someone's boots or a carrier like a truck or tires so that it's easily transmitted to animals .

The real question that has not yet been answered is: Foot-and-mouth disease occurs during normal eating behavior.

Foot-and-mouth disease can infect pigs if you inoculate them with oral disease. You can inject the foot-and-mouth disease virus into the throat and they will be infected, but we do not know what dosage is needed in food, during eating, to be able to do the same thing.

Let's put different levels Dr. Sundberg says the work will be conducted at the USDA's high level biosafety lab at the Agricultural Research Service on Plum Island and he hopes to have at least preliminary data from here the end of the year.

Reported Bruce Cochrane, Farmscape.Ca

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