Gary V is in agreement and without cancer


After weeks of silence, Gary Valenciano finally had his first big TV interview stating that after his bypass operation, he suffered another medical challenge.

Gary V in his first TV interview after his successful surgeries.

Upon a fortuitous discovery, after his first operation, his cardiologist detected a malignant kidney mass prompting the specialist to endorse it for another operation. Mr. Pure Energy has quietly undergone a second surgery and is now cancer free.

As one of the country's most respected Christian artists, the news on his health tested Gary's faith while he was facing another life-threatening challenge with help from one of the best medical teams in the country and a host of family prayers, friends and countless fans from around the world.

"I know I'm fine now … and I'm ready to come back soon, do not worry, okay?" Gary posted on the official Twitter account for his nearly $ 4 million. followers who worried about news that said wrongly that he still had cancer.

Gary felt pain in his left abdomen and -centimeter malignancy in his kidney. Gary underwent another operation and the doctors discovered that the tumor was located inside his right kidney.

Today, Gary is on the road to full recovery and the doctors have even said that his heart is so strong that he has the heart of a 25 year old man.

Gary's entire family, including his mother and his sister who just arrived from the United States, is 100% behind him on his way to full recovery while he's getting ready with exciting new projects and his big return to television and live concert stage.

"I'm miraculously saved, the doctors were confused, I healed so well after my open heart surgery despite my diabetes," says Gary. "When the doctors saw the tumor in my kidney and were able to remove everything without having need chemotherapy or radiation therapy, I can only say that it is the work of the Lord and nothing else. I am blessed. "

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