Gerard Butler undergoes real immersion » Manila Bulletin Entertainment


The story of “Hunter Killer” begins with the sinking of a Russian submarine in the Arctic Ocean, which is immediately followed by the disappearance of the American sub that has been ghosting it.

Gerard Butler in 'Hunter Killer' (

Gerard Butler in ‘Hunter Killer’

During the investigation, it is discovered that a rogue Russian admiral is attempting to carry out a bloodthirsty coup at a naval base in Russia which could dismantle the world order.

Joe Glass (played by Gerard Butler), the captain of a Hunter Killer, must now assemble an elite group of Navy SEALs and cross waters that no American sub has ever crossed before. All this to rescue the kidnapped Russian president and prevent World War III.

To prepare for the role, Butler not only took that initial trip out on a working nuclear sub, he also spent extensive time with a number of former U.S. Navy commanders to channel their inner cores.

Also in the cast is Gary Oldman as Admiral Charles Donnegan who leads the charge towards military action in the War Room in Washington D.C. to come up with the best response to the imminent global crisis for the United States.

Now in cinemas, “Hunter Killer” is presented by VIVA International Pictures and MVP Entertainment.

Tags: Gary Oldman, Gerard Butler, Gerard Butler undergoes real immersion, Manila Bulletin, Manila Bulletin Entertainment,, “Hunter Killer”

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