Ghost & Wasp clash in a clip stuffed with action


A new clip of Ant-Man & The Wasp offers an extended look to a battle between Wasp and Ghost. Far from the typical fight of the big screens, the sequence of action represents a brawl of excessive cartoon, the two characters using their respective powers to the maximum

just as Hope Van Dyne was strongly modified compared to the original comics (where she was a super-villain in an alternative future) to create the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of The Wasp, the version of The Ghost's new film is also a largely original character. The original Ghost was a brilliant engineer and specialist in information technology, who developed a new form of computer processor that becomes intangible to avoid overheating. He turned to his employers after learning the truth of their immoral business practices and their efforts to silence him have led to merge with his technology. Now able to become invisible and intangible at will, The Ghost has become a saboteur-against-investor and has crossed the iron with Tony Stark more than once

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The fight scene, which can be seen in the clip above (via PostCrisp ) confirms that the version of Ghost Cinematic Universe has the same powers as its comic counterpart. It is still uncertain, though, whether it will have the same background in the computer or the same anti-business beliefs as the original version.

Interestingly, Scott Lang is seen looking at Wasp entangled with Ghost from the safety of a vehicle, with Hank Pym at his side. Both Ant-Men are clearly a bit worried about Wasp's safety, even though she seems to be ready to defend herself against the mysterious villain. Scott eventually goes out to help, but before he leaves, Hank hands him what appears to be a new piece of Ant-Man technology, one that the genius inventor says is " still a Work in progress Marvel fans are sure to be as good as every new instance of Pym-made tech is usually cooler than the last.

Thrilling and funny as these clips and trailers have been it is natural to be afraid that the best moments of the film may have already been revealed by the film's advertising.Fans can only hope that these promotional materials will not unveil the entire film before Ant-Man and The Wasp finally make their way into the theaters next week, fortunately, it seems that the chances of this happening are, just like the titular heroes, very weak.

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Source: PostCrisp

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