God does not meet our expectations – he surprises us instead. Posted on 7/9/2018. World.


Pope Francis leads the pilgrims by praying to the Angelus January 6, 2018. Photo credit: Daniel Ibez CNA

Vatican City, Jul 8, 2018 CNA / EWTN News.- Pope Francis said on Sunday that God always surprises people with the way He works, and because of this, believers should be open to the way of thinking and acting of the Lord, rather than waiting for that. he conforms to their aspirations. "19659003" Today, the Lord invites us to an attitude of humble listening and docile waiting, because the grace of God often presents itself to us in a surprising way, which does not correspond to our expectations, "said July 8.

He noted how some" prejudices "can be nurtured among Christians who prevent them from accepting the reality of how God works, however," the Lord does not conform not to prejudices. We must force ourselves to open the mind and the heart to welcome the divine reality that comes our way. "

Pope Francis spoke to the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square for his speech at Mark's Angelus on Sunday, and in the passage Jesus returned to his native land to minister, but was unable to perform the same miraculous works that he had done in other places since people knew him and were skeptical about his preaching and his ministry

says the people "scandalized" by what Jesus did, since they recognized him as one of them.

Asking how it is possible for the fellow citizens of Jesus to go from wonder to unbelief. , the pope says that it is because they made a comparison between the "humble origins" of Jesus and his current abilities to preach and perform miracles.

"He is a carpenter, he does not Did not study, but he preached better than the scribes and performed miracles And instead of opening up to reality, [the people] are outraged, "he said, noting that for the inhabitants of Nazareth," God is too great to lower to speak by such a simple man!

says, is "the scandal of incarnation: the shocking event of a God made flesh, who thinks with a human spirit, works and acts with human hands, loves with a human heart; a God who wrestles, eats and sleeps like one of us. "

However, in becoming flesh, Jesus" overthrows every human plane: it is not the disciples who washed the feet of the Lord, but it is the Lord who washed the feet of the disciples, "said the pope, noting that this fact is" a cause of scandal and incredulity in every era, even today. " "

In spontaneous remarks, Francis pointed out to St. Teresa of Calcutta, whom he canonized in September 2016, as a modern example of someone from a simple who realized great works. Even though she was "a little sister", St. Therese, thanks to prayer and simplicity, was able to "work miracles", adding that "she is an example of our time."

learning to have a mind and heart open to the logic of God means above all to have faith. "Lack of faith is an obstacle to God's grace," he said, noting that many baptized Catholics "live as if Christ does not exist: they repeat signs and acts of faith." but they do not correspond to a real adherence to the person of Jesus and his Gospel. "

Every Christian, he says," is called to deepen this fundamental belonging, to witness with a consistent conduct of life, whose leitmotif is charity. "

After leading the pilgrims in the traditional Angelus prayer, the Pope gave a shout to the patriarchs and representatives of the Eastern Catholic and Orthodox churches of the Middle East who were present for an ecumenical gathering July 7 in B He said that the event was "an eloquent sign of the unity of Christians", and thanked all those who participated.

He also noted how July 8 marks the "Sunday of the Sea". "Which is dedicated to seafarers and fishermen, and prayed for them and their families, and for the chaplains and volunteers who serve them."

The Pope offered a special prayer for those who live at sea in situations of "unworthy work", "and for all those who are committed to freeing the sea from pollution.

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