Good coconut sugar for diabetics »Manila Business Bulletin



  Nelly Favis-Villafuerte

Nelly Favis-Villafuerte

We talk about it. People are looking for reliable suppliers of this product. Because more and more people are worried about their health and well-being, especially diabetics and those who want to be without diabetes. I am referring to coconut sugar – a natural sweetener made up of 100% of all the fresh natural liquid sap of fresh coconut flower buds.

Coconut sugar can be used as a healthy substitute for other sugars or sweeteners. Coconut sugar is natural, unrefined and concentrated, so loaded with nutrients, especially minerals.

The main advantages and differences of sugar and coconut syrup with regard to cane sugar and other artificial sweeteners are as follows:] 1. Sugar and coconut syrup have a lower glycemic index (35 to 42 GI) compared to the high glycemic index of cane sugar (68 to 80 IG). A high GI will cause peaks in blood sugar and will not be good for those who are pre-diabetic or diabetic or even for normal people without diabetes. Coconut sugar has almost half the GI of cane sugar.

Coconut sugar is a wonderful natural sweetener, rich in nutrients. According to the results of the tests conducted by the research team of Dr. Trinidad P. Trinidad, Scientist II of the Food and Nutritional Research Institute of the Department of Science and Technology of the Philippines, the glycemic index Coconut sugar obtained from the sap of the coconut is 35 to 42. The low glycemic index is good for good control and management of diabetes mellitus and has been shown to lower total and LDL cholesterol. 2.Coconut sugar / syrup has more vitamins, minerals, amino acid content compared to cane sugars (white sugar, brown sugar, muscovado, demarara, turbinado) and it is good for weight maintenance and prevents overweight and overweight. # 39; obesity. nutritionally superior to other types of commercial sugar / sweeteners, especially compared to artificial / synthetic sweeteners;

3. coconut syrup / sugar contains inulin (FOS) and inositol (anticancer, anti-depression, anti-diabetic, etc.) but cane sugar and "other sweeteners "do not contain these two which are beneficial to health;

4. Sugar / coconut syrup is a whole food and is minimally processed, has no additives, no preservatives, no synthetic adulterants compared to chemical sweeteners and manufactured in the laboratory; and

5. Sugar and coconut syrup are durable products that help protect the environment compared to the production of other commercial sweeteners / sugars. According to the World Bank's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), sugar and coconut syrup are the world's most sustainable sweeteners

me to share with you some interesting information about coconut. ] • Considered as the fruit of life, the coconut would have 1000 uses. The coconut tree is probably the most useful plant on earth because it has more uses than any other in the world. The coconut tree is a type of palm tree. The scientific name of the coconut tree is "cocos nucifera". Coconut refers to the fruit of the coconut tree. The fruit is the nut grows in clusters among the leaves of the tree. There may be fifty (50) to two hundred (200) fruits that can be harvested from a single coconut tree in one year

• There are sixty-eight (68) seventy-nine (79) provinces in the Philippines that are coconut areas in our country. The coconut industry is among the largest net exporters of foreign exchange and one of the world's largest coconut exporters

• The coconut tree is considered a "three-generation tree" who supports a farmer, his children and his grandchildren; 19659006] • The Asia-Pacific region produces about eighty-five percent (85%) of the world's coconut. The Philippines, Indonesia, India and Sri Lanka are the largest coconut producers in the world.

• Marco Polo called the coconut "Pharaoh nuts" when he passed through India, Sumatra and Nicobar Islands. 1254 to 1324; and

• It is unclear exactly where the coconut comes from because its origin is the subject of much debate and mystery – although many believe that the coconut originates from Southeast Asia. Philippines by Lalaine V. Abonal)

Finally, the wonderful news is that coconut sugar is available locally in our country because we have produced it and, in fact, exported it. While coconut sugar may be more expensive than other sugars or sweeteners, it is significantly healthier – if not the healthiest sugar to date.

Have a nice day! (For comments / feedback, please send to Ms. Villafuerte's e-mail address: [email protected])

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