Guns N 'Roses & # 39; November Rain becomes the first rock video to land a billion times on YouTube


News Written by Jackson Langford on July 16, 2018

The Roses Guns have reached an important milestone this weekend, their clip of & # 39; November Rain – becoming the first clip of a rock

While other pop groups like Maroon 5 and OneRepublic also have this milestone to their credit, the elusive billion views is mostly reserved for solo pop artists. Add to that the fact that 'Rain & # 39; was released 27 years ago, and this new stage of GNR is particularly impressive.

The video is actually one of the most expensive videos ever produced, costing about $ 1.5 million. However, it does not even get close to the success of the group's Estranged & # 39; in 1994, because this video cost $ 5 million. Both videos were made by Andy Morahan.

Of course, the most-watched video still belongs to the ubiquitous' Despacito & # 39; in 2017, by Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee, who collected 5.32 billion views in just 18 months.

Fall in love with the iconic music video for "Rain & # 39; below.

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