Hannah Gadsby at the call: Nanette outlines the limits of the comic medium


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Hannah Gadsby's stand-up comedian, Nanette, was applauded by the public and critics after letting go on Netflix on June 19.

The show not only split but also opened a Conversation on the representation of the LGBTQ community in everyday life.

Nanette is not a comedy, but the self-reported story of a broken self by homophobia, the genre and its actress reminds us, white men. During the show, she raised serious questions about issues that have been used as comedy vehicles over the years.

But what came as a shock that the Australian humorist called closes and admits that she made a career of humor self-deprecation

The artist spoke to variety and open about post-Nanette reactions and future plans.

Speaking of the flood of appreciation coming after Nanette, the always eccentric Gadsby said, "It's a little too much, I had to hide myself"

" I immersed myself to see what people are saying, but it's like a river, the only thing you need to know. Through her sarcastic and sarcastic humor, she tears the deep understanding of several incidents – "Maybe" – as Gadsby comments on the incident – "if the comedians had done their job". correctly and made fun of the man who abused his power, then p Maybe we could have had a mature woman with appropriate experience in the White House, instead of, as we do it, a man who openly admitted to sexually assaulting vulnerable young women because he could.

Some of his personal experiences with boiling anger. She asked why society is so determined to partition humans from birth. Why – she asks – would we want a child to be "soaked in shame" simply because he does not fit and gives the right to hate and mistreat another, who could have learned love and kindness with a little effort?

She explained these societal vices through her heartbreaking and traumatic personal experience of being a strange woman and a comedian as clear reflections on what's wrong with the world. She never gave any solutions, but presented things as they are and left the authority to decide.

When Variety asked Gadsby the most important question – whether she really gives up comedy – she responded by saying, "I do not think I would have found success if I did not. I had not taken my place in the world, so to find this success, I really needed to declare that I was leaving the comedy and that I thought it, but you know, everyone has the right to change the comedy. 39, opinion. "

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