Hawaii companies seek a lava observation site to revive tourism


HONOLULU – Stunning images of Kilauea volcano erupting from Hawaii have captivated people all over the world. But ironically, it is almost impossible for residents and visitors on the ground to see the lava – a fact that squeezes the local economy dependent on tourism.

Big Island companies are calling for a lava observation site, but authorities say it's hard for them to create one, while ensuring people's safety.

The risks posed by the volcano were highlighted this week when the lava that spilled into the ocean triggered an explosion that sent a hot rock the size of one. basket ball crush on the roof of a boat. One woman broke her leg, while nearly two dozen others suffered minor burns and scrapes.

Diane Ley, Director of Research and Development for Hawaii County, explains that she's been working for almost two months at setting up an observation site for Washes, in consultation with federal scientists and the County Civil Defense Administrator. The wounds of the tour boat only validate the county's caution, she said.

"It's a challenge – to find us a site that is safe from volcanic hazards, emissions and that allows a lot of people to come in and see", a- she said.

Still, the pressures are growing stronger from traders, tour guides and others on the island, where tourism has plummeted since Kilauea erupted into a neighborhood residential and burned down homes in May.

Downtown Pahoa, which is a few miles from where the volcano pumps a river of molten rocks into the ocean, has been particularly hard hit. The small rural town serves as a gateway to the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, which is normally the most popular tourist attraction in the state, but which has been closed indefinitely because of the dangers to the visitors and staff.

As late as April, travelers could see molten rocks in the park's lava lake and hike in remote places to see lava flow.

State Sen. Russell Ruderman said the county must urgently install a lava observation site to bring visitors back to Pahoa.

"Our city is dying very, very fast and very, very dramatically," said Ruderman, who owns a health food store in Pahoa. "It's useless because if we could make it known that our city is open for business, we could still save it."

Currently, only helicopter and boat tour passengers – paying approximately $ 250 each – can see the lava. in person.

The place where lava bursts from the ground is subject to a mandatory evacuation order. Residents nearby can go home, but the county restricts access for everyone except scientists, authorities like the National Guard and a handful of escorted media.

Authorities cracked down on offenders, citing more than 80 people for strolling in a disaster zone.

Kilauea, which has been erupting for 35 years, has long attracted travelers. About 5,000 people a day went down to an official county lava observation site in May 1990, as molten rock slowly consumed the city of Kalapana, reported the Honolulu Advertiser. It's even though the place offered views of cooled lava, which was not flowing. County workers have set aside newly hardened rocks for tourists to touch as a consolation.

Ley noted that Kilauea behaves differently than in the past, when lava flowed from a different place and through an uninhabited land. It also produces more wash – erupts up to now 3,500 cubic feet per second compared to about 141 cubic feet two years ago.

She does not know when the county will be ready but is considering an observation site where coaches can go and not private cars. The county can select multiple sites and open them if conditions permit, she added.

John Tarson, owner of Epic Lava Tours, said the current restrictions crush him.

"They have actually cut the legs of my company and nothing can be done to save it unless they reopen the tourism industry, unless they stop criminalizing people want to see lava, "said Tarson.

He argues that guides like him have years of experience and can continue to take tourists to see the lava safely. Instead, his clients cancel the bookings for the new year because they do not believe that they will be allowed to see the molten rock.

Pahoa's restaurants and stores have lost between 50% and 90% of their business. President of the Mainstreet Pahoa Association. This is partly because many residents have lost their homes and have moved, but a significant part is because fewer tourists visit. The most affected are those who address travelers, such as gift shops. Purvis's own house, Tin Shack Bakery, has lost about half of its business, he said.

Eileen O. Hara, a county councilor from Hawaii County, said that the county should contract several tour operators to operate shuttles from Pahoa City Center to Leilani Estates, where lava is sinking. She said that the bus could circulate to allow passengers to take pictures but keep them inside, protected from volcanic gases.

"It's really important that they plan to do it as quickly as possible," said O. Hara.

State Representative Joy San Buenaventura also advocates the use of shuttles to bring tourists to an observation site, but she added that people should be able to disembark to see the wash. Visitors would be equipped with air filtration masks, she said.

She also insisted that the county act be quick, "because businesses are suffering."

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