HBO makes a prequel Game of Thrones, but is it the right one?


Game of Thrones will air in the first half of 2019, which means that this time next year, the show will be over and over. But HBO is preparing for the end with a series of pre-series that takes place during the Age of Heroes, thousands of years before one of the characters we know and love either born. "Taking place thousands of years before the events of Game of Thrones the series tells the descent of the world 's golden age of heroes in its darkest hour. .. terrifying secrets of the history of Westeros to the true origin of the white walkers, the mysteries of the East, the Starks of the legend … this is not the only one. history we think we know, "reads the logline, sounds exciting

The show does not have a name yet, but let's call it The Long Night for the sake of simplicity that the name prefers an author of George RR Martin .

The Long Night was not the only prequel series that HBO was considering. At one point, it was developing to # 39 to five distinct ideas, each with a different scriptwriter and each set during a different period in the richly imagined history of Martin It was said that another idea – Empire of Ash a show about the fall of the Valyrian Empire of the writer Max Borenstein – was close to going from the front, but HBO programming president Casey Bloys shot down this idea Entertainment Weekly at the Television Critics Association's press tour:

EW : "J & # 39; I heard that the scenario of Max Borenstein also had some interest. Is there a chance for a second pilot light GoT prequel this year or are those on the shelf until you see how that goes? "

Bloys:" No. The development process was very positive. Other people have been busy, things have not come together … It is fair to say that we are delighted with this pilot, we hope to turn it in the first quarter of 19, I do not foresee any movement on d & rsquo; Other prequels until we [see what this one is]. "

So Empire of Ash is not happening, at least not now, but considering the enthusiastic reaction of the fans when he fled, I wonder: HBO has he chose the right idea before developing?

Of course, we did not see anything concrete about Night – no video, no notice of casting, not even a detailed synopsis, but on hearing the outline, a potential problem has emerged: will this show be too much like his big brother?

On a shot, of course, that No, it's stupid.It will have a different distribution, and will be set during a very different period of the history of Westerosi.At that time, the Seven Kingdoms were in truth seven kingdoms, independent parts of Westeros not dependent on any leader.The political aspects of the show, if he chose to explore them, will feel are very different, and more primitive.

There is also the fact that The Long Night will have a new direction. David Benioff and Dan Weiss emerge from this universe and writer Jane Goldman steps in to guide the new show. It's hard to say what kind of change of tone it will bring to the franchise, but if it gives a different impression than its predecessor, I'm all for it.

But I'm worried, in the broad outline of the plot, The Long Night seems to have the same basic structure as Game of Thrones . In the long run, Game of Thrones is a show about warring kingdoms too preoccupied with their own quarrels to realize that an existential threat overwhelms them in the form of the White Walkers. With The Long Night recounting "the descent of the golden age world of heroes at its darkest hour", it looks like it could be more or less the same, and that would be a pity.

note on "the mysteries of the East" gives me a break; Are we going for another story about Essos that eventually merges with the main Westeros actors, like Daenerys Targaryen?

To be fair, Bloys addressed some of these concerns in his interview EW . "The period of history, still 8,000 years before [theeventsof GoT ] is far enough to make us feel like a different story, a different world, because that's 39 is the case ". "[T] Kingdoms do not exist at this stage.

We Do not Try to Make Game of Thrones Part II Nobody Will Reproduce What GoT showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss] did it, and when we did it, a lot of things happen, a lot of dynamics that are related to Game of Thrones, but it's quite different with its duplicative period and characters [so as to not be] really good to hear, but as George RR Martin is happy to remind us, the words are the wind.I'm going to have to see something solid before putting my fears to rest.

On the other hand, Empire of Ash sounds like it really was a new path There was never any possibility that white walkers would show up here, and rather than being put in Westeros, he had It should take place on Essos and Sothoryos, at the height of a civilization capable of technological prowess beyond anything we have seen on Game of Thrones . Yes, characters like Cersei live in luxury, but that's nothing compared to the opulence of the ruling families of Valyria, just as medieval middle-class life pales in comparison to what the rulers of the Roman Empire appreciated

. , the information disclosed on Empire of Ash promised a cast of diverse characters in terms of race and sexual orientation, an area where Game of Thrones did not meet expectations. The dynamics of this new show – an empire that reigns on distant territories in different parts of the world – reflects the relationship between the Roman Empire and its client states and gives all kinds of different characters good reasons to "live". to be caught in the same drama. Also: a sky full of dragons;

Now, I must say that we are not 100% sure that Empire of Ash existed in the first place, although the escape was very complete. But if it's not real, I understand why he had to catch up;

Bloys' comments do not mean that Empire of Ash – or any of the other ideas developed by HBO – never happens, only that it does not happen at all. present. Instead, HBO went with what I think is the safest and most predictable idea. That does not mean that The Long Night will not be great, or even that it will not surprise me and will not be different from Game of Thrones as it can be different, but it's settled in a situation where he will have to fight his way through the shadow of his older brother, rather than start in the light.

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