Here are the candidates who could mark the history of women and minorities in the November 6 elections


The mid-term elections of 2018 are likely to be historic for a number of reasons, but some candidates could become the first decisive for the country.

At the polls Tuesday, voters in the United States will have the opportunity to vote for women and minorities ready to make history. This electoral cycle could see the first Muslim Congressman, the first female African-American governor and the youngest woman to be elected to Congress, to name just a few.

Here are the candidates who could win decisive races that day.

The youngest woman ever elected to the congress

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez surprised both sides of the aisle when she won her Democratic primary against incumbent MP Joe Crowley, elected as the committee's chair, in the 14th Congressional District of New York this summer. . The 29-year-old political newcomer wants to win the Tuesday election against Republican candidate Anthony Pappas and become the youngest woman to sit in Congress.

Ocasio-Cortez, who had once campaigned for Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and former President Barack Obama, is running on a platform that includes health care for all and access to the 39, free higher education. Her support has helped other progressive women win this year's primary elections, including Ilhan Omar from Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley from Massachusetts and Julia Salazar from New York.

First Muslim woman at the congress

Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar could both become the first Muslim women to be elected to Congress.

Tlaib qualifies for Tuesday's election after winning the Democratic primaries in Michigan's 13th congressional district. In the absence of a Republican opponent on the ballot, she is presumed a member of Congress for the district as of January 2019.

Omar also has a good chance of becoming one of the first Muslim women in Congress. The US-Somali candidate won the Democratic primary in Minnesota after receiving support from New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Omar arrived in the United States more than two decades ago as a refugee.

First black woman to be elected governor

Stacey Abrams faces Republican Brian Kemp in the race to govern Georgia, becoming one of the most competitive and watched races of the year. If she wins, she will become the first African-American woman in US history to become governor.

Polls show that Abrams and Kemp are virtually linked. A survey recently published by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Abrams shows with 46.9% of the votes and Kemp 46.7%.

First Native American woman in Congress

Deb Haaland from New Mexico and Sharice Davids from Kansas could become the first Native American women in Congress.

Haaland, who worked on President Barack Obama's campaign in 2008 before becoming president of the Democratic New Mexico party, is a declared critic of President Donald Trump. The polls show it ahead of nearly 8% on his Republican opponent.

David Davids could become the first lesbian American Indian congressman in history after winning the Democratic nomination in Kansas' 3rd congressional district. After graduating from a community college, Davids became a member of the White House at the Obama administration. Polls show David with a 7-point lead over his Republican opponent, Kevin Yoder.

First transgender governor

Christine Hallquist, a transgender woman, has already marked history earlier this year by winning the Democratic primary for governor in Vermont. This victory makes her the first openly transgender person to win the nomination of a big party.

At present, Hallquist could make history again for the LGBTQ community in Tuesday's election, when she will face Republican President Phil Scott. Hallquist has been endorsed by Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, former President Barack Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden.

gettyimages-1052069752-594x594 A woman holds a sign at a rally and march on October 13 in Chicago to inspire voter turnout ahead of the mid-term elections in the United States. Women and minority candidates have the chance to make history this year.
Kaim Krzaczynski / AFP / Getty Images

Other potentially historical candidates

Lauren Baer: Baer could become the first openly LGBTQ Congressman in Florida. The lawyer used to work for the Obama administration.

Marsha Blackburn: The Republican could become the first woman senator of Tennessee. The representative is the first GOP woman appointed to the Senate. She is also the first woman in this state for four decades to be appointed by a significant part of the Senate.

Angie Craig: Craig could be the first openly LGBTQ Congressman in Minnesota.

Andrew Gillum: Gillum could become the first African-American governor of Florida's history. He is the Democratic candidate and mayor of Tallahassee.

Jahana Hayes: Hayes could be the first black woman to represent Connecticut in Congress.

Cindy Hyde-Smith: Hyde-Smith may be the first woman elected to represent Mississippi in Congress, even though she has been in the Senate since April, when she was appointed to fill a vacancy. She is running in the special elections against Chris McDaniel and Mike Espy. If Espy wins, he will be the first black senator of the state since Reconstruction.

Ben Jealous: Jealous could become the first African-American governor of Maryland. The Democrat is the former head of the NAACP.

Young Kim: Kim could become the first American-Korean woman to be elected to the Congress of American History. The Republican candidate from California was born in South Korea and moved to the United States with her family when she was young.

Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema: She will be the first woman in Arizona to be elected to the Senate. Both have already served as representatives and run as candidates for the resignation of Senator Jeff Flake, who is retiring.

Rick Neal: Neal could become the first openly LGBTQ congressman in Ohio.

Kristi Noem: South Dakota could have its first female governor if Noem, a Republican, won Tuesday.

Gina Ortiz Jones: She could be the first Filipino American to Congress, as well as the first LGBTQ congressman openly to represent the state of Texas.

Jared Polis: Polis may well become the first openly gay man in the United States to be elected governor. The congressman is running in Colorado.

Ayanna Pressley: She could become the first black woman to sit in the Massachusetts Congress.

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