High levels of testosterone in men make them desire luxury items


The increase in testosterone levels in men makes them want to want luxury items ranging from sports cars to designer jeans.
A recent study showed that testosterone had a measurable effect on men's preference for brands.
For example, a man with a higher level of testosterone in his body will be more likely than a man with lower testosterone levels to prefer a pair of Calvin Klein jeans to a pair of Levi's .
"In the animal kingdom, testosterone promotes aggression, but aggression is at the service of status," says Colin Camerer, researcher.
"Many human behaviors are rehabilitated behaviors at home. our primate parents So here we are replacing physical aggression with some kind of "consumer" aggression, he added.
The study was about ostentatious consumption, the human practice of acquiring and displaying luxury goods and services to enhance one's social status The researcher compares the cost of this behavior to the cost and weight of the elaborate tails worn by male peacocks. increase your testosterone levels.
"If he did not need to attract mates, a peacock would be better without his tail. It would be easier for the peacock to escape the predators and easier for him to find food if he did not carry that tail, "he said.
"In biology, it's known as an expensive signage. A human being would probably be better off not spending $ 300,000 for a car, but by buying this car, he is showing people that he is rich enough that he can, "he added. .
The study included 243 male volunteers between the ages of 18 and 55 who were randomly selected to receive a dose of testosterone gel or a placebo gel that would absorb through their skin. They were sent home and asked to return to the lab about four hours later, when testosterone levels in their blood would be near their peak. Upon their return, they participated in tasks aimed at assessing their preferences for different types of goods.
The first task presented participants with a 10-point scale that had a mark associated with a high social status at one end and a status but otherwise equivalent quality at the other end. They were asked to move a slider towards the mark that they preferred with the proximity of the mark indicating the strength of their preference.
The data collected by the researchers during this task showed that men who received a dose of testosterone The second task was designed to unravel the effect of testosterone on the desire of the luxury good of & # 39; Other potential effects, such as increased desire for high quality goods or goods.
The task was to introduce participants to a series of advertisements for consumer goods, such as a car, a pair of sunglasses, or a coffee machine. Participants were randomly presented with one of three versions of an advertisement for each article, each version of the announcement focusing on the quality, luxury or power of l & # 39; object. After reviewing the ad, they were asked to rate their attitude towards this item on a scale of 1 to 10.
The data from this task, as in the case of the first task, showed than men who received a dose of testosterone preference for luxury products than men who received the placebo. There was no corresponding increase in preference for goods that were advertised as powerful or of superior quality.
"In our closest relatives, males spend a lot of time struggling to establish their dominance. We do it too, but our weapons are what we wear, drive, and live rather than claws, fists, and muscles, "added Camerer (1965)

Source: Shutterstock

Published: July 4, 2018 Last Updated: July 4, 2018 10:48 am

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