Hoosier’s State Favorite Viral Video


Hoosier’s State Favorite Viral Video

Updated November 15, 2018 7:10 AM

(UNDATED) – Viral videos are everywhere. Going viral is such a big deal that marketing firms and political strategists are trying to figure out how to replicate the social success of videos that tickle the funny bone, touch a nerve, and cause web surfers to smash that Share button.

Silly successes are giving way to viral videos that replace pricey political ads, and product ads that go viral themselves. Everyone wants in on that viral video action!

The data analyst team at GetCenturyLink ranked nearly 100 of the most popular and iconic viral videos on YouTube by original video views to narrow it down to the fifteen most-watched videos. They then took a look at YouTube search volume by state to see which of those fifteen videos each state searches for the most in order to determine the states’ favorite viral videos.

Which video did Hoosiers like the most – “Charlie Bit My Finger.”

Hoosiers aren’t alone in their amusement from “Charlie Bit My Finger”; the viral hit was also the favorite in Illinois, Iowa, North Carolina, and Texas.

People in 11 states loved the “Wedding Entrance Dance,” which was later parodied on The Office. That was the top video in Arkansas, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

The “Linda Honey” video is pretty unforgettable! People in Arizona, California, Florida, Kansas, Nevada, New Mexico, and Oklahoma considered this classic their favorite.

“Candy Mountain” or “Charlie the Unicorn,” was a bizarre animated viral hit in Alaska, Maine, Montana, North Dakota, West Virginia and Wyoming.

A newscast took the top ranking in Alabama, Louisiana, South Carolina, Tennessee and Washington state.

Rebecca Black exploded onto the national stage in 2011 with her music video for “Friday” it is the favorite in Connecticut, Hawaii, Idaho, and Kentucky.

The video of the Honey Badger is a favorite in Colorado, Minnesota and Oregon. Beware there is foul language in the video.

“The Evolution of Dance” is the favorite in Mississippi and New Hampshire.

“Chocolate Rain” is an original song by Tay Zonday. It is a favorite in Rhode Island and Vermont.

Missouri placed the video “Daft Hands” in the top spot.

South Dakota placed “David after Dentist” at the top of the list.

Delaware chose the “Miss Teen Question” as their top video

Utah fell in love with “Potter Puppet Pals”

The “Ultimate Dog Tease” video and the sad eyes of the canine won the hearts of the District of Columbia

Virginiana picked a newcast featuring the “Zombie Kid Likes Turtles”

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