How BRICS Plus clashes with the US economic war against Iran


The Johannesburg BRICS Summit has as its main argument that Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – major players in the global South – strongly condemns unilateralism and protectionism

. the multilateral trading system faces unprecedented challenges. We highlight the importance of an open world economy. "

Further Examination Of Chinese President Xi Jinping's Address Unleashes Brilliant Details.

Further In" Our Strategic Partnership This implies an increase in BRICS and beyond BRICS multilateral trade, investment and economic and financial connectivity.

And this also implies reaching the next level; important that we pursue innovation-driven development and build the BRICS Partnership on the New Industrial Revolution (19459007) PartNIR ) to strengthen coordination on macroeconomic policies, find more complementarities in our development strategies and strengthen competitiveness.

If PartNIR seems to be the basis of a Global Global South platform, it is because it is …

In a not too veiled allusion to the unilateral withdrawal of Trump Administration of the Iranian Nuclear Agreement (JCPOA), Xi called on all parties to "respect international law and basic standards governing international relations and resolve disputes through dialogue and differences by the consultation ", adding that the BRICS inevitably work for" a new type of

Such relations certainly do not include a superpower unilaterally imposing an ergy export blockade – an act of economic warfare – in an emerging market and key player of the Global South

Xi is keen to promote a "network of closer partnerships." It is there that BRICS Plus's BRICS Plus concept was established last year at the top. from Xiamen, he makes to closer integration between the five BRICS and other emerging / developing countries.

Argentina, Turkey and Jamaica are the guests of honor. Xi sees BRICS Plus interact with the UN, the G20 "and other executives" to amplify the room for maneuver not only emerging markets, but the entire South Global.

An absurd hen game

Immediately after President Trump's Tweet of Mass Destruction, the rhetorical war between Washington and Tehran exploded to extremely dangerous levels.

Major General Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) – and a true star of the rock in Iran has launched a brutal response to Trump: "You can start the war, but it's us who will finish it."

The RGC gives massive economic power in Iran and is in symbiosis total with Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei. It is no secret that the IRGC has never trusted President Rouhani's strategy of relying on the PAGC as a means of improving the Iranian economy. After the unilateral withdrawal of the Trump administration, the IRGC feels totally justified.

The mere threat of an American attack on Iran caused an increase in oil prices. The United States' dependence on the Middle East is declining as hydraulic fracturing – driven by rising prices – accelerates. The threat of war is increasing as Tehran is openly referring to its power to literally cripple global energy supply overnight.

Meanwhile, the Houthis, forcing the House of Saud to bomb Yemen to stop deliveries of oil via the port of Bab al-Mandeb. are the configuration of the Strait of Hormuz and dozens of pipelines easily targeted as being even more crucial for the flow of energy that makes the West tick. While there has been an American attack on Iran, analysts in the Persian Gulf point out that only Russia, Nigeria and Venezuela might be able to provide enough oil and gas to make up for the losses supply in the West. This is not exactly what the Trump administration is looking for.

Iran's "nuclear weapons" were still a bogus problem. Tehran did not have them – and did not pursue them. Yet today, the highly volatile rhetorical war introduces the possibility of Tehran to perceive that there is a clear danger of an American nuclear attack or an attack whose purpose is to destroy the infrastructure of the nation. If he is cornered, there is no doubt that the IRGC would buy nuclear weapons on the black market and use them to defend the nation.

This is the "secret" hidden in Soleimani's message. In addition, Russia could easily – and secretly – provide Iran with advanced defensive missiles and the most advanced offensive missiles

This absurd hen game is absolutely useless for Washington from the point of view of strategy oil – apart from the intention of breaking a key node of the integration of Eurasia. Assuming that the Trump administration plays chess, it is imperative to think of 20 strokes if "win" is at stake.

If an American blockade on Iran arrives, Iran could retaliate with its own blockade of the Strait of Hormuz, producing turmoil for the West. If this leads to a massive depression, it is unlikely that the industrial-military-security complex will blame itself.

There is no doubt that Russia and China – the two main BRICS actors – will have the back of Iran. First there is the participation of Russia in the nuclear and aerospace industries of Iran, then the collaboration between Russia and Iran in the process of Astana to solve the Syrian tragedy . With China, Iran is one of the country's leading energy providers and plays a crucial role in the Belt and Road Initiative (BIS). Russia and China have a massive presence on the Iranian market and similar ambitions to bypass the US dollar and US sanctions.

Beam up, Global South

The true importance of the Johannesburg BRICS summit the consolidation of a plan of action for the South that would place Iran among its major nodes. Iran, although not named in an excellent analysis by Yaroslav Lissovolik at the Valdai Club, is the BRICS Plus Nation par excellence.

Again, BRICS Plus aims to build a "unified platform of regional integration arrangements" going far beyond This means a platform integrating the African Union (AU), the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) as well as the Bay of Bengal of South Asia. Multisectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation Initiative (BIMSTEC).

Iran is a future member of the SCO and has already concluded an agreement with the UEE. It is also an important node of the IRB and a key member, along the North-South International Transport Corridors (INSTC) of the BRICS members of India and Russia, essential for a further connectivity in Eurasia.

Lissovolik uses the acronym BEAMS "The grouping of regional integration groups, BRICS Plus being a broader concept that integrates other forms of BRICS interaction with developing economies" "

Foreign Minister Wang Yi defined BRICS Plus and BEAMS as South Cooperation with a global impact. "The Global South now has an integration roadmap.If this ever happened, an attack on Iran would not only be an attack on BRICS Plus and BEAMS but on the entire South. Global.

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